This is a work-in-progress document which is being made by the author while learning the language from the official documentation and other references on the net. The author hopes it could be useful for somebody, but please make sure to verify its contents with authoritative sources. For error reporting please write to contactos at americati.com.


We’ll implement a trivial task: get the average of some of student scores. The usual average is the arithmetic one, given by the usual formula:

PH = (a + b + ...)/n

To add a little twist, we’ll also calculate the harmonic average, given by

PH = n/[1/a + 1/b + ...]

Which for two elements is reduced to 2ab/(a+b).

We’ll use this "problem" in order to implement several possible solutions with Rust.

The highly recommended Rust installation method is via rustup (see https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install.) After installation, a Cargo binary project must be setup:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST$ cargo new --vcs none xtut

In the src subdirectory there is a main.rc program which may be used as starting point. But for this tutorial we’ll create many small standalone examples, which is accomplished by storing the code files in the src/bin subdirectory, which must be manually created:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST$ cargo new --vcs none xtut
diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST$ cd xtut
diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ mkdir src/bin

From now, we’ll work from the xtut project’s subdirectory. I’m working in a Linux Xubuntu environment with Rust 1.51, using the VSCode IDE (here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6tizikEMTk some instructions for the VSCode setup.)

Originally I’ve used "Corrosion" (Rust plugin for the Eclipse IDE), but found "VSCode + Rust Plugin" to be more responsive, lightweight and less buggy.

The Solutions

Trivial implementation

We start using 32-bit-signed-integers (i32) to store the student scores:

fn main() {
    let x1 = 16;
    let x2 = 12;
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={}", x1, x2, pa(x1, x2));

fn pa(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    (a + b) / 2

We build and run with:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0010
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.50s
     Running `target/debug/p0010`
AVG(16,12) PA=14

Obviously, main is the starting function (fn) of the program, and we defined two integer variables (the type is inferred as i32 by the called function. The println! is a macro instruction (recognized by the ending bang) which sends output to the standard output (like C’s printf) using {} as placeholders for the arguments.

Note that the returned value is the last expression in the function; in the C language we would have to employ:

return (a + b) / 2;

Which is also valid in Rust, and mandatory for returning from any non-final location in the function.

This trivial program did produce (in my computer) an executable of about 3.3 megabytes, but there are several (good) reasons for it. Please see https://github.com/johnthagen/min-sized-rust for some ideas to mitigate this situation.
The println!() placeholders support a similar syntax as C’s printf(), but it is not the same. For more information please see https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/ .

Harmonic Average

As shown in the introduction, the harmonic average is the inverse of the arithmetic average of the inverted values; here we blindly apply this concept by reusing the previous arithmetic average function:

fn main() {
    let x1 = 16;
    let x2 = 12;
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, pa(x1, x2), ph(x1, x2));

fn pa(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    (a + b) / 2

fn ph(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    1 / pa(1 / a, 1 / b)

The execution obviously crashes (panicks in Rust jargon) because the integer divisions 1 / a and 1 / b both return zero (like in a C language version):

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0020
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.47s
     Running `target/debug/p0020`
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to divide by zero', src/bin/p0020.rs:12:5
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

A "solution" would be to apply the "reduced" formula for two values 2ab/(a+b); here we’ll also introduce floating point values in order to avoid the "trucating" behavior of the integer division:

fn main() {
    let x1 = 16;
    let x2 = 12;
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, pa(x1, x2), ph(x1, x2));

fn pa(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    (a + b) / 2

fn ph(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    let af = a as f64;
    let bf = b as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    println!("PH (f64) is {}", ans);
    // cast to integer: rounds toward zero
    ans as i32

The ph() function converts the scores to double precision floating point values (type f64) and makes the arithmetical division avoiding the truncation. We can’t leverage the pa() function since it does requiere integer parameters.

Finally, the result is converted to i32 using the as keyword. It works like a C language cast: return (int)ans;:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0030
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.47s
     Running `target/debug/p0030`
PH (f64) is 13.714285714285714
AVG(16,12) PA=14 PH=13

As shown, the final cast is truncating the harmonic average from 13.71.. to 13. In scores, is common practice to round the decimal quantities:

fn main() {
    let x1 = 16;
    let x2 = 12;
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, pa(x1, x2), ph(x1, x2));

fn pa(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    (a + b) / 2

fn ph(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    let af = a as f64;
    let bf = b as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    println!("PH (f64) is {}", ans);
    ans.round() as i32

Now we get:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0040
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.48s
     Running `target/debug/p0040`
PH (f64) is 13.714285714285714
AVG(16,12) PA=14 PH=14
For the reader:
  1. Avoid the truncation of integer division in the arithmetic average function.

A single call: Tuples

Here we want to extract both averages in a single call. The function parameters are the same (the scores), but how to return two values together?

One way is using a tuple:

fn main() {
    let x1 = 16;
    let x2 = 12;
    let proms = pah(x1, x2);
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, proms.0, proms.1);

fn pah(a: i32, b: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
    let pa = (a + b) / 2;
    let af = a as f64;
    let bf = b as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    println!("PH (f64) is {}", ans);
    let ph = ans.round() as i32;
    (pa, ph)

Note that the tuple components are extracted with the syntax value.0, value.1, etc.

Instead of a couple of arguments, we could use a single tuple-argument:

fn main() {
    let x1 = 16;
    let x2 = 12;
    let args = (x1, x2);
    let proms = pah(args);
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, proms.0, proms.1);

fn pah(ab: (i32, i32)) -> (i32, i32) {
    let pa = (ab.0 + ab.1) / 2;
    let af = ab.0 as f64;
    let bf = ab.1 as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    println!("PH (f64) is {}", ans);
    let ph = ans.round() as i32;
    (pa, ph)

A more complex data type

The scores will be associated to some course phase which will be named "period". To model this idea, we’ll define a new data type named SchoolScore which contains both the period and the achieved score:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: u8,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: 1,
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: 2,
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    // the first average works!
    println!("PA={}", pa(s1, s2));
    // but with the second one fails
    //println!("PH={}", ph(s1, s2));

fn pa(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

Structs are similar to their C language counterparts. As shown, their values are built with the same syntax of their declaration, but replacing the component types with the component values.

Also, the instance components are accessed with the object.attribute syntax (like C.) Since the period is not used at all, we avoid some ugly warnings at compilation time by adding the optional #[allow(dead_code)] directive.

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0060
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/p0060`

As shown, the first call (to the pa() function) works as expected; but if we uncomment the second one (to the ph() function) we get the following compilation error:

18 |     println!("PA={}", pa(s1, s2));
   |                          -- value moved here
19 |     // but with the second one fails
20 |     println!("PH={}", ph(s1, s2));
   |                          ^^ value used here after move

In this point we got into the first interesting Rust feature: ownership.


Let’s explain this from the C language perspective: assume we have an object (maybe an struct) dynamically created:

struct Dummy *ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct Dummy));

What if some_call() (or any other further called function) does free the pointer? Clearly the second free() may crash the program.

Some (most?) programming languages avoid this issue at all by providing an automatic facility for object removal (freeing the memory) called garbage collection. Rust provides the concept of "ownership", corresponding to the program code who is "in charge" of the object removal: it (usually) happens when the containing function or block finishes its execution (the variable gets out of scope.) Again: all the objects created during the program execution have an owning code block (usually a function.) At first, the owner is the block where the object is created, but it may be transfered later.

The problem with the previous program (with the ph() call) is that the first call (to the pa() function) effectively transfers the ownership of the object handled by s1 (and s2) to the function. The ownership passes to the variable a (and b.) Those variables are discarded upon function termination (like any local variable), and the handled object is destroyed.

So, when the main() function is resumed, both s1 and s2 are invalid handlers since the pointed objects are no longer in memory.

Such "ownership transfer" is known as a "move" operation.

Please re-read this section until enlightment :). Next, we’ll see some ways to call ph().

The Copy trait

But why the previous examples did work? …​ if we look up carefully, the function arguments were of type i32. Also, all the primitive numeric types like i32 implement the so called Copy "trait".

A trait is like a Java interface or a C++ abstract class: the instances have a set of methods available. Sometimes, no method is present at all: the trait is used to specify (mark) some behavior of the type.

The Copy trait is used by Rust to know when an object is "simple" enough so:

  1. When calling a function, the parameters have a complete copy of the object, with its own owership (no "move" operation is performed.) So the caller’s variable continues being valid

  2. Each of the object copies is liberated from memory when their handling variable goes out of scope

  3. In practice, just a "shallow copy" (bitwise copy) is needed to have a complete object copy of the same data type

For tuples, since the two components were i32, i.e. of a Copy type, then the full tuple is considered of Copy type: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.tuple.html#trait-implementations-1

Now, our struct is composed of primitive types, but Rust does require we to explitly mark it as a Copy. A "fast way" to achieve it is shown in the following listing:

// first solution: Copy trait
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: u8,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: 1,
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: 2,
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(s1, s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(s1, s2));

fn pa(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

The standard trait implementation syntax will be deferred to further examples. Here we use an "abbreviated form" provided by Rust for some common cases in the #[derive(…​)] directive: it instructs the compiler to silently generate a "default" trait implementation which is enough for the simplest cases.

The Clone trait is a "supertrait" of Copy, so types which implement Copy must also implement Clone; fortunately, Rust does provide default implementations for both traits, so we are able to implement them with #[derive] directives:

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct SchoolScore {...}

Recapitulating: we have a complex (struct) data type which is composed of primitive (Copy) types, so we are signaling the compiler that such complex type is also a Copy type; then we use it as in the previous examples: the object is fully copied when passed between functions.

The following solution will work even if the struct components are not Copy types.


For any type T, the type described as &T is known as a "shared reference to T". It is an alias for the object which does not entail the move operation, so we may solve our problem with the following listing:

// second solution: Immutable (shared) references
pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: u8,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: 1,
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: 2,
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&s1, &s2));

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

Since pa() and pb() just get an alias but does not get ownership, the objects are not destroyed until main() (the only owner) terminates.

We should understand that this solution and the previous one are not opposed but complementary. Some ideas:

  1. The Copy (and Clone) trait is usually implemented for types for which we’re sure no non-Copy component will be added in the future

  2. Passing a reference to a function entails passing a memory location (pointer) which imply filling the stack with 4 or 8 bytes

  3. Passing a Copy-type object fills the stack with a number of bytes equal to the object size (with some additional padding), so could be expensive for bigger types

The passing of a reference as parameter is known as a "borrow", as opposed with a transfer of the ownership.

Move again

The following "solution" is shown only for illustrative purposes: the "move" operation happens when calling the pa() with both objects, but another "move" does happen when that function does return a tuple which contains the same objects:

// third solution: moving in and out
pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: u8,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: 1,
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: 2,
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    let (s1, s2, xpa) = pa(s1, s2); // reusing the s1/s2 identifiers (not mandatory)
    println!("PA={}", xpa);
    println!("PH={}", ph(s1, s2));

fn pa(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> (SchoolScore, SchoolScore, i32) {
    let ans = (a.score + b.score) / 2;
    (a, b, ans)

// weird implementation: get ownership and return the ownership
fn ph(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

The returned tuple components are individually assigned to variables using the following syntax which leverages the Rust’s "pattern matching" feature:

let (s1, s2, xpa) = pa(s1, s2);

We reused the names s1 and s2, effectively shadowing the previous variables: it is a feature in Rust that the variable identifiers can be reused as needed.

The ownership of the objects returns to main(), allowing the final call to ph() with a final "move".

Again, this is only for conceptual demonstration purposes.

Text Strings

Now we introduce the String data type, which is a container for lists of characters, also known as text strings. We’ll change the "period" component’s data type of the SchoolScore structure to be a String:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(s1, s2));
    // println!("PH={}", ph(s1, s2));

fn pa(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

The structure is initialized with a String built with the String::from() function, which is "associated" to the String type, so is known as an "associated function".

Note that a String object allows the mutation of the contained text; in this respect is similar to Java’s StringBuilder.

As in previous examples, if we uncomment the call to ph() we get the familiar "moved" error:

   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `s1`
  --> src/bin/p0100.rs:18:26
8  |     let s1 = SchoolScore {
   |         -- move occurs because `s1` has type `SchoolScore`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
17 |     println!("PA={}", pa(s1, s2));
   |                          -- value moved here
18 |     println!("PH={}", ph(s1, s2));
   |                          ^^ value used here after move

As before, we’ll analyze some possible solutions.

The Clone trait

A first approach would be to implement the Copy trait as in a previous example. This fails because the period: String component does not implement the Copy trait.

An interesting question is why String does not implement such trait? the reason is that String`s are essentialy pointers to some memory region where the associated text resides; and as the `Copy trait signals Rust to make copies of such pointer (a shallow copy), the result would be a new variable pointing to the same memory region. But a new String does need a new associated memory region since it must be able to store different text contents.

So the String copy process involves more than a "shallow copy" or "bitwise copy" as provided by Copy trait. This scenery is known as a "deep copy", and the Clone trait is the associated one.

Unlike the "shallow copy" implied in a function call or variable assignement, the cloning operation needs to be explicitelly requested by the invocation of the trait’s clone() method.

Fortunately, String already implements the Clone trait, so we may use the #[derive(Clone)] directive for the structure, which in turn clones the compoments:

// first solution with String: Clone trait
pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(s1.clone(), s2.clone()));
    println!("PH={}", ph(s1.clone(), s2.clone()));

fn pa(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

Explicit implementation of the Clone trait

The following alternative version avoids the #[derive(Clone)] directive by an explicit implementation of the trait. It is the same result, but we introduce it to show the syntax of for trait implementations:

// first solution with String: Clone trait
pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

impl Clone for SchoolScore {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        SchoolScore {
            period: self.period.clone(),
            score: self.score,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(s1.clone(), s2.clone()));
    println!("PH={}", ph(s1.clone(), s2.clone()));

fn pa(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

The impl Clone for SchoolScore {…​} is fairly obvious. As the Clone trait has only the clone() method, let’s explain its signature:

fn clone(&self) -> Self {...}

The clone() method does receive a reference to the called object with the self keyword (lower case) and its output is an object (not a reference) of the same type of the called object: such type is described by the Self keyword (first letter in upper case.)

Alternative solutions

The introduction of references is straightforward with the addition of the & operator:

// using references
pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&s1, &s2));

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

And as in a previous example, we may adapt the "move in, move out" pattern:

// moving in and out
pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    let (s1, s2, xpa) = pa(s1, s2); // reusing the s1/s2 identifiers (not mandatory)
    println!("PA={}", xpa);
    println!("PH={}", ph(s1, s2));

fn pa(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> (SchoolScore, SchoolScore, i32) {
    let ans = (a.score + b.score) / 2;
    (a, b, ans)

// weird implementation: get ownership and return the ownership
fn ph(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

Text Constants

The following dummy program shows a dummy handling of a text constant extracted from a String; we explicitly added the variable’s data types for better understanding:

fn main() {
    let start: String = String::from("some text");
    let k: &str;
    k = start.as_str();

// no return value
fn xtest(s: &str) {
    println!("text is {}", s);

The expected output:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0100
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.49s
     Running `target/debug/p0100`
text is some text

The str (String slice) is a Rust built-in data type used to reference a range of characters (like a text constant.) In database terminology, it may be considered a "view" to some (section of) a text. In general, the str’s text length is only known at runtime, so Rust forces us to always employ a reference (a pointer) to it. For example, changing the type declaration in the previous program:

    let k: str;

Generates the message:

error[E0277]: the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time

A simpler version of the previous example involves discarding the String at all:

    let k = "some text";

That is, literal text constants in the program must also be handled by the &str type.

A previous example involved the SchoolScore containing a full period: String component which is totally copied when the structure is cloned. But if our domain model allows to assume that such text is never changed from the structure-object creation time (i.e. is inmmutable), then we could emply a &str reference:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: &str,
    score: i32,

Since period is now simply a pointer to an immutable memory region, we could create copies of the structure object by the "shallow copy" mechanism: it’s okay that more than one object’s period points to the same region, since it is immutable.

Copy Trait for a pointer to immutable text

So we add the component of type &str, but the compiler rejects it with:

error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
 --> src/bin/p0110.rs:7:13
7 |     period: &str,
  |             ^ expected named lifetime parameter


To illustrate the problem we’ll analyze a hypotetical version of the program:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: &str,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1;
    // a new block scope
        let k = String::from("January");
        s1 = SchoolScore {
            period: k.as_str(),
            score: 16,
    println!("S1: {} ", s1.score);

For illustrative purposes, we created a new "block scope" in which the object owned by k is created and destroyed at termination.

The s1 structure object does contain a reference to the k object’s pointed memory region (captured by the period: k.as_str() line) inside the internal block. But as soon as the execution exits from it, the period component gets invalid as the mentioned memory region is freed (and maybe overwritten.)

More in Rust terms, we say that k does not live enough for its usage in s1. In simple cases (like a single function body), the compiler has all the information needed to discover this problem, but when function calls are involved then the compiler may ask for more information about the object’s lifetimes.

So, from https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/second-iter.html: "Quite simply, a lifetime is the name of a region (~block/scope) of code somewhere in a program. That’s it. When a reference is tagged with a lifetime, we’re saying that it has to be valid for that entire region."

Returning to the original example, following the compiler suggestion we add a "lifetime parameter" and the compiler is satisfied:

// first solution with &str: Copy trait
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct SchoolScore<'a> {
    period: &'a str,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: "January",
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: "February",
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(s1, s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(s1, s2));

fn pa(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: SchoolScore, b: SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

The SchoolStore objects have a lifetime named 'a (indicated by the <'a> parameter of the struct declaration), and the period references have the same lifetime (indicated by the &'a str type declaration.) This means that the object pointed by period must live at least as the struct container object.

Note that this is only needed for references. For example, the previous String object was "owned" by the struct, so its lifetime is automatically attached to its container.

The 'a, 'b, etc. is the Rust convention for lifetime specifications.

Again passing references

Nothing to comment in the following example:

// second solution with &str: Immutable (shared) references
pub struct SchoolScore<'a> {
    period: &'a str,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: "January",
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: "February",
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&s1, &s2));

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

What if instead of returning a primitive i32 average score, we want to return a full SchoolStore containing the average? for example, a function like:

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> SchoolScore {...}

The compiler rejects with:

24 | fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> SchoolScore {
   |          ------------     ------------     ^^^^^^^^^^^ expected named lifetime parameter
   = help: this function's return type contains a borrowed value, but the signature does not
     say whether it is borrowed from one of `a`'s 2 lifetimes or one of `b`'s 2 lifetimes
help: consider introducing a named lifetime parameter

This is because the response does contain a reference whose lifetime is unknown to Rust; the compiler suspects the reference lifetime matches the input parameters', so complains.

So we declare a lifetime parameter in the functions pa() and ph() used to annotate the return value:

// returning an object
pub struct SchoolScore<'a> {
    period: &'a str,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: "January",
        score: 16,
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: "February",
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    let xpa = pa(&s1, &s2);
    println!("PA={}", xpa.score);
    let xph = ph(&s1, &s2);
    println!("PH={}", xph.score);

fn pa<'a>(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> SchoolScore<'a> {
    let ans = (a.score + b.score) / 2;
    SchoolScore {
        period: "PA",
        score: ans,

fn ph<'a>(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> SchoolScore<'a> {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    SchoolScore {
        period: "PH",
        score: ans.round() as i32,

This way the output parameter lifetime is linked to the "dummy" function parameter and is not liked to any of the input parameters since they were not associated to 'a.

Note that the returned reference (pointing to texts "PA" and "PH") has a lifetime corresponding to the total program execution since they are literal constants in the program text (see below about the static lifetime.) For better undestanding, Rust rejects the following version of pa():

fn pa<'a>(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> SchoolScore<'a> {
    let ans = (a.score + b.score) / 2;
    let x = String::from("PA");
    SchoolScore {
        period: x.as_str(),
        score: ans,

with the following message:

error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local variable `x`
35 | /     SchoolScore {
36 | |         period: x.as_str(),
   | |                 - `x` is borrowed here
37 | |         score: ans,
38 | |     }
   | |_____^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function

The returned reference inside SchoolScore is pointing to the text region of variable x, which is destroyed upon pa() termination.


The following program fails in several ways:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {

fn fail0() {
    let n = 45;
    n += 1;
    println!("number={}", n);

fn fail1() {
    let k = String::from("April");
    k.push_str(" and May");
    println!("another period={}", k);

fn fail2() {
    let s = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 31,
    s.period = String::from("February");
    s.period.push_str(" and March");
    println!("period={} score={}", s.period, s.score);

The compiler errors were:

error[E0384]: cannot assign twice to immutable variable `n`
  --> src/bin/p0300.rs:14:5
13 |     let n = 45;
   |         |
   |         first assignment to `n`
   |         help: make this binding mutable: `mut n`
14 |     n += 1;
   |     ^^^^^^ cannot assign twice to immutable variable
error[E0596]: cannot borrow `k` as mutable, as it is not declared as mutable
  --> src/bin/p0300.rs:20:5
19 |     let k = String::from("April");
   |         - help: consider changing this to be mutable: `mut k`
20 |     k.push_str(" and May");
   |     ^ cannot borrow as mutable

error[E0594]: cannot assign to `s.period`, as `s` is not declared as mutable
  --> src/bin/p0300.rs:29:5
25 |     let s = SchoolScore {
   |         - help: consider changing this to be mutable: `mut s`
29 |     s.period = String::from("February");
   |     ^^^^^^^^ cannot assign

error[E0596]: cannot borrow `s.period` as mutable, as `s` is not declared as mutable
  --> src/bin/p0300.rs:30:5
25 |     let s = SchoolScore {
   |         - help: consider changing this to be mutable: `mut s`
30 |     s.period.push_str(" and March");
   |     ^^^^^^^^ cannot borrow as mutable

The root problem is that Rust assumes by default that all variables are immutable. For example, being n an immutable integer, it is not allowed to increment its value. Note that a new n variable may be declared with let (even of any other type), but the current one is immutable.

The String object k is immutable, so calling its push_str() method fails because it needs a "mutable reference" (more on this later.)

Finally, the structure members are immutable as the enclosing object, which diallows the reassignement of period and the mutation of such String for via push_str() as noted above.

But all is happiness with mutable variables:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {

fn fail0() {
    let mut n = 45;
    n += 1;
    println!("number={}", n);

fn fail1() {
    let mut k = String::from("April");
    k.push_str(" and May");
    println!("another period={}", k);

fn fail2() {
    let mut s = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 31,
    s.period = String::from("February");
    s.period.push_str(" and March");
    println!("period={} score={}", s.period, s.score);

The expected results:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0300
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.73s
     Running `target/debug/p0300`
another period=April and May
period=February and March score=31

Mutable References

Since the students were nice people, the teacher wanted to avoid any score less than 14. So previously to the average calculation, the scores are to be "promoted" to be at least 14.

We’ll employ references in our new promotion() function, but a shared (immutable) reference will not allow the structure modification, so we need a "mutable reference":

fn promotion(a: &mut SchoolScore) -> bool {...}

The function returns whether the score was "promoted" or not; we’ll ignore this return value but here is used to illustrate the built-in data type for boolean values.

In order to call such function with a mutable reference, we need to start from mutable objects (thinking a bit, it would be pointless to be able to create mutable references from immutable objects.) Then the call use a syntax like:

promotion(&mut s1);

The complete listing goes now:

pub struct SchoolScore<'a> {
    period: &'a str,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: "January",
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: "February",
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    promotion(&mut s1);
    promotion(&mut s2);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&s1, &s2));

fn promotion(a: &mut SchoolScore) -> bool {
    if a.score < 14 {
        a.score = 14;
    } else {

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

The results:

PH (f64) is 14.933333333333334

"At any given time, you can have either one mutable reference or any number of immutable references [to a single object]. References must always be valid."


Like Java interfaces or C++ abstract classes, Rust’s traits specify some behavior of a type (usualy a struct) by declaring a set of functions (methods) the complying type must implement. In the following example, we’ll define two types: our already known SchoolScore and the new WorkerScore; both represent entities containing the notion of an integer score. So it would be useful to specify a common trait for both types:

pub trait Scored {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32;

So objects of SchoolScore and WorkerScore will be able to provide a score by a call with the form object.get_score(). Note that the &self argument represent the instance being called, and is used by the implementations as shown below.

To make the example a bit more interesting, we’ll define another trait for our types, in order to implement the "promotion" behavior previously discused. So we need a trait able to mutate the object, which is achieved by requiring a mutable reference:

pub trait Promotable {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool;

The following partial listing shows the types, the trait declarations and their implementations. Also, a main() method is added for demonstration purposes:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

pub struct WorkerScore {
    name: String,
    points: i32,

pub trait Scored {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32;

pub trait Promotable {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool;

impl Scored for SchoolScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {

impl Scored for WorkerScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {

impl Promotable for SchoolScore {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool {
        if self.score < 14 {
            self.score = 14;
        } else {

impl Promotable for WorkerScore {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool {
        if self.points < 14 {
            self.points = 14;
        } else {

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("Student averages:");
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&s1, &s2));

    let mut w1 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Mike"),
        points: 18,
    let mut w2 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Lance"),
        points: 8,
    println!("Worker averages:");
    println!("PA={}", pa(&w1, &w2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&w1, &w2));


The pa() and ph() implementation is not shown (yet.) But we already see that the promotion() method is applied to the struct objects thanks to the Promotable trait.

Trait Bounds

Now we’ll complete the previous example. The following listing provides the implementation of the missing functions:

fn pa<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> i32 {
    (a.get_score() + b.get_score()) / 2

fn ph<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> i32 {
    let af = a.get_score() as f64;
    let bf = b.get_score() as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

Both functions have a generic type argument T, so are able to receive two objects of some unknown type. But the syntax <T: Scored> specify a restriction for the type: it must implement the Scored trait. It means we are able to call the get_score() method for any object of T type.

As in previous examples, the function does receive shared references, since it is enough to call get_score() by its trait definition.

So this way the pa() and ph() are implemented in a generic way. As an important implementation detail, the compiler silently generates the corresponding code for all the types implementing the trait (here were two types), so there is no performance penalty at execution time.

Another equivalent syntax for trait bounds:

fn pa<T>(a: &T, b: &T) -> i32
    T: Scored,
    (a.get_score() + b.get_score()) / 2

fn ph<T>(a: &T, b: &T) -> i32
    T: Scored,
    let af = a.get_score() as f64;
    let bf = b.get_score() as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32
There is a less used syntax for trait bounds using the impl keyword where the function parameter specify the trait complying argument: fn function-name(param: impl trait-name) {…​}.

A related less efficient implementation is presented in the following listing. Here we defined an "attribute empty" structure ImplAveraging which implements the Averaging trait with the previous functions. But this trait is generic in T, so we implement it for T=SchoolScore and T=WorkerScore:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

pub struct WorkerScore {
    name: String,
    points: i32,

trait Averaging<T> {
    fn pa(a: &T, b: &T) -> i32;
    fn ph(a: &T, b: &T) -> i32;
    fn promote(a: &mut T);

struct ImplAveraging;

impl Averaging<SchoolScore> for ImplAveraging {
    fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
        (a.score + b.score) / 2
    fn ph(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
        let af = a.score as f64;
        let bf = b.score as f64;
        let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
        ans.round() as i32
    fn promote(s: &mut SchoolScore) {
        if s.score < 14 {
            s.score = 14;

impl Averaging<WorkerScore> for ImplAveraging {
    fn pa(a: &WorkerScore, b: &WorkerScore) -> i32 {
        (a.points + b.points) / 2
    fn ph(a: &WorkerScore, b: &WorkerScore) -> i32 {
        let af = a.points as f64;
        let bf = b.points as f64;
        let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
        ans.round() as i32
    fn promote(w: &mut WorkerScore) {
        if w.points < 14 {
            w.points = 14;

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("Student averages:");
    ImplAveraging::promote(&mut s1);
    ImplAveraging::promote(&mut s2);
    println!("PA={}", ImplAveraging::pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ImplAveraging::ph(&s1, &s2));

    let mut w1 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Mike"),
        points: 18,
    let mut w2 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Lance"),
        points: 8,
    println!("Worker averages:");
    ImplAveraging::promote(&mut w1);
    ImplAveraging::promote(&mut w2);
    println!("PA={}", ImplAveraging::pa(&w1, &w2));
    println!("PH={}", ImplAveraging::ph(&w1, &w2));

Trait Objects

In the previous example, the averaging function implementations for our two test types was resolved at compilation time by selecting the appropriate function implementation.

In some situations it is not convenient or possible to resolve the call at compilation time, but only at runtime; this "late binding" is implemented by an additional indirection to be resolved at invocation time, adding a (small) time penalty. This is the same situation which happens with C++ virtual methods, and is the default behavior in Java.

In Rust, it is possible to borrow objects with references tied to a trait; these are kwown as "trait objects" and the &dyn syntax is used to distinguish them from plain references:

fn pa(a: &dyn Scored, b: &dyn Scored) -> i32 {
    (a.get_score() + b.get_score()) / 2

fn ph(a: &dyn Scored, b: &dyn Scored) -> i32 {
    let af = a.get_score() as f64;
    let bf = b.get_score() as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32


It is a common pattern to specialize the types requirements by specifying a hierarchy of interfaces or classes. In Rust, traits may be dependent on other traits (or supertraits.)

In the previous example, the Promotable trait may be implemented in terms of an improved Scored trait, able to read and update the score:

pub trait Scored {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32;
    fn set_score(&mut self, s: i32);

The new Promotable trait relies on the object being scored:

pub trait Promotable: Scored {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool;

With this in place, both Promotable implementations may be exactly the same. To avoid code duplication, we’ll write a single "default" trait implementation inside the trait declaration:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

pub struct WorkerScore {
    name: String,
    points: i32,

pub trait Scored {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32;
    fn set_score(&mut self, s: i32);

pub trait Promotable: Scored {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool {
        if self.get_score() < 14 {
        } else {

impl Scored for SchoolScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, score: i32) {
        self.score = score

impl Scored for WorkerScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, points: i32) {
        self.points = points

impl Promotable for SchoolScore {}
impl Promotable for WorkerScore {}

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("Student averages:");
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&s1, &s2));

    let mut w1 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Mike"),
        points: 18,
    let mut w2 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Lance"),
        points: 8,
    println!("Worker averages:");
    println!("PA={}", pa(&w1, &w2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&w1, &w2));

fn pa<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> i32 {
    (a.get_score() + b.get_score()) / 2

fn ph<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> i32 {
    let af = a.get_score() as f64;
    let bf = b.get_score() as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

As shown, empty trait implementations of Promotable simply inherit the default implementation.

Associated functions

As in C++/Java, static methods are associated to a type but not to a particular instance. In rust, the corresponding "associated functions" doesn’t have the self parameter.

The following program adds an associated function to the Scored trait. That method is used to build a new instance of a concrete type:

fn build(text: &str, value: i32) -> Self;

Note the usage of the Self keyword (upper case) signaling the return value is of some type implementing the trait. It will be invocated in a generic way, for example:

T::build("PA", val)

The so built objects will be the new return value for the averaging functions:

fn pa<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {...}

As before, the concrete type for T is resolved at compilation time by the analysis of the trait implementing types.

We also added the duo_promoter() function to illustrate the passing of mutable references:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

pub struct WorkerScore {
    name: String,
    points: i32,

pub trait Scored {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32;
    fn set_score(&mut self, s: i32);
    fn build(text: &str, value: i32) -> Self;

pub trait Promotable: Scored {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool {
        if self.get_score() < 14 {
        } else {

impl Scored for SchoolScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, score: i32) {
        self.score = score
    fn build(text: &str, value: i32) -> Self {
        SchoolScore {
            period: String::from(text),
            score: value,

impl Scored for WorkerScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, points: i32) {
        self.points = points
    fn build(text: &str, value: i32) -> Self {
        WorkerScore {
            name: String::from(text),
            points: value,

impl Promotable for SchoolScore {}
impl Promotable for WorkerScore {}

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("Student averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut s1, &mut s2);
    let xpa = pa(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.period, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xph.period, xph.get_score());

    let mut w1 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Mike"),
        points: 18,
    let mut w2 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Lance"),
        points: 8,
    println!("Worker averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut w1, &mut w2);
    let xpa = pa(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xph.get_score());

fn duo_promoter<T: Promotable>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {

fn pa<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let val = (a.get_score() + b.get_score()) / 2;
    T::build("PA", val)

fn ph<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let af = a.get_score() as f64;
    let bf = b.get_score() as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    let val = ans.round() as i32;
    T::build("PH", val)

Let’s retry a previous variant: set the SchoolScore’s `period attribute to a string slice:

period: &str

This forced us to introduce lifetimes:

period: &str -> period: &'a str -> SchoolScore<'a> ...

Now this will impact in the traits. Specifically, the build() method does receive a &str which is directly used for the period attribute, but there is no guarantee that the pointed string survives to the new returned SchoolScore object. Note that this was not an issue in the previous implementation, since the &str was used (copied) only for the creation of a brand new String with their own managed memory.

So the compiler will ask us to introduce lifetimes specifiers and just following its suggestions we came to this listing:

pub struct SchoolScore<'a> {
    period: &'a str,
    score: i32,

pub struct WorkerScore {
    name: String,
    points: i32,

pub trait Scored<'a> {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32;
    fn set_score(&mut self, s: i32);
    fn build(text: &'a str, value: i32) -> Self;

pub trait Promotable<'a>: Scored<'a> {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool {
        if self.get_score() < 14 {
        } else {

impl<'a> Scored<'a> for SchoolScore<'a> {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, score: i32) {
        self.score = score
    fn build(text: &'a str, value: i32) -> Self {
        SchoolScore {
            period: text,
            score: value,

impl<'a> Scored<'a> for WorkerScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, points: i32) {
        self.points = points
    fn build(text: &'a str, value: i32) -> Self {
        WorkerScore {
            name: String::from(text),
            points: value,

impl<'a> Promotable<'a> for SchoolScore<'a> {}
impl Promotable<'_> for WorkerScore {}

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: "January",
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: "February",
        score: 12,
    println!("Student averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut s1, &mut s2);
    let xpa = pa(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.period, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xph.period, xph.get_score());

    let mut w1 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Mike"),
        points: 18,
    let mut w2 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Lance"),
        points: 8,
    println!("Worker averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut w1, &mut w2);
    let xpa = pa(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xph.get_score());

fn duo_promoter<'a, T: Promotable<'a>>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {

fn pa<'a, T: Scored<'a>>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let val = (a.get_score() + b.get_score()) / 2;
    T::build("PA", val)

fn ph<'a, T: Scored<'a>>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let af = a.get_score() as f64;
    let bf = b.get_score() as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    let val = ans.round() as i32;
    T::build("PH", val)

It could be interesting to compare the previous situation with a simplified C program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct SchoolScore {
	const char *period;
	int score;

struct SchoolScore build(const char *ptr, int score) {
	struct SchoolScore ans;
	ans.period = ptr;
	ans.score = score;
	return ans;

int main() {
	char *ptr = malloc(100);
	printf("period? ");
	fgets(ptr, 100, stdin);
	struct SchoolScore s = build(ptr, 15);
	char *xptr = malloc(100);
	strcpy(xptr, "hehe");*/
	printf("%s -> %d\n", s.period, s.score);
	return 0;

Its execution works as expected:

period? March
March -> 15

But uncommenting the commented lines leads to undefined behavior. In my computer the previous memory block was reused:

period? April
hehe -> 15

Rust did protect us from destroying the allocated *ptr buffer while the structure object was in use.

The static lifetime

Despite its name, the "static lifetime" is not related to static methods. The 'static lifetime signals Rust that the associated objects live for the entire program execution.

The most known case are the literal texts placed in the program’s text: their type may be annotated as &'static str.

In the previous examples, all the text strings procede from the literal constants in the source code, so a simpler (yet more restricted) version may be obtained by defining the SchoolScore structure as:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: &'static str,
    score: i32,

Note that this is not a general solution but a very restricted one: for example, the period text can no longer stem from user input, disk files, etc. For more emphasis, from https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ch10-03-lifetime-syntax.html#the-static-lifetime:

"[…​] before specifying 'static as the lifetime for a reference, think about whether the reference you have actually lives the entire lifetime of your program or not […​]. Most of the time, the problem results from attempting to create a dangling reference or a mismatch of the available lifetimes. In such cases, the solution is fixing those problems, not specifying the 'static lifetime."

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: &'static str,
    score: i32,

pub struct WorkerScore {
    name: String,
    points: i32,

pub trait Scored {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32;
    fn set_score(&mut self, s: i32);
    fn build(text: &'static str, value: i32) -> Self;

pub trait Promotable: Scored {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool {
        if self.get_score() < 14 {
        } else {

impl Scored for SchoolScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, score: i32) {
        self.score = score
    fn build(text: &'static str, value: i32) -> Self {
        SchoolScore {
            period: text,
            score: value,

impl Scored for WorkerScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, points: i32) {
        self.points = points
    fn build(text: &str, value: i32) -> Self {
        WorkerScore {
            name: String::from(text),
            points: value,

impl Promotable for SchoolScore {}
impl Promotable for WorkerScore {}

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: "January",
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: "February",
        score: 12,
    println!("Student averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut s1, &mut s2);
    let xpa = pa(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.period, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xph.period, xph.get_score());

    let mut w1 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Mike"),
        points: 18,
    let mut w2 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Lance"),
        points: 8,
    println!("Worker averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut w1, &mut w2);
    let xpa = pa(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xph.get_score());

fn duo_promoter<T: Promotable>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {

fn pa<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let val = (a.get_score() + b.get_score()) / 2;
    T::build("PA", val)

fn ph<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let af = a.get_score() as f64;
    let bf = b.get_score() as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    let val = ans.round() as i32;
    T::build("PH", val)

This behavior of literal text constants is similar in the C programming language; for example, the following listing works as expected (compare with the C example in the previous section):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct SchoolScore {
	const char *period;
	int score;

struct SchoolScore build(const char *ptr, int score) {
	struct SchoolScore ans;
	ans.period = ptr;
	ans.score = score;
	return ans;

int main() {
	char *ptr = "June";
	struct SchoolScore s = build(ptr, 15);
	char *xptr = malloc(100);
	strcpy(xptr, "hehe");
	printf("%s -> %d\n", s.period, s.score);
	return 0;

More on generic types

Our "library" of averaging functions is restricted to i32 quantities. We were lucky our scores were given in such unit. Let’s assume our WorkerScore struct has a u32 unit for the score. To make things more interesting, let’s also assume that in the future some (not yet written) type will need to deal with f64 scores.

A way to implement these requirements is to define a new trait to be satisfied by the scores, involving conversions to/from f64, since we’ll implement all the calculations in double precision floating point values:

pub trait ScoreUnit {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64;
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self;

We will provide implementations of the trait for the types we are interested: i32, u32 and f64. It is interesting that Rust allows the implementation of user traits for any built-in type. For example:

impl ScoreUnit for i32 {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64 {
        *self as f64
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self {
        val.round() as i32

The only strange item is the *self expression, which means "the value pointed by the reference", i.e. the ScoreUnit object which in this context is an i32. Now the Scored trait may be generic:

pub trait Scored<T> where T: ScoreUnit{...}

The averaging functions now will be generic in two parameters: the scoring unit (K) and the scored entity (T), so both types must be declared. For example:

fn pa<K: ScoreUnit, T: Scored<K>>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {...}

Now the full listing. Observe the implementation of the Promotable trait:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

pub struct WorkerScore {
    name: String,
    points: u32,

pub trait ScoreUnit {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64;
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self;

impl ScoreUnit for i32 {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64 {
        *self as f64
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self {
        val.round() as i32
impl ScoreUnit for u32 {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64 {
        *self as f64
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self {
        val.round() as u32
impl ScoreUnit for f64 {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64 {
        *self as f64
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self {

pub trait Scored<T>
    T: ScoreUnit,
    fn get_score(&self) -> T;
    fn set_score(&mut self, s: T);
    fn build(text: &str, value: T) -> Self;

pub trait Promotable<T>: Scored<T>
    T: ScoreUnit,
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool {
        if self.get_score().to_f64() < 14.0 {
        } else {

impl Scored<i32> for SchoolScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, score: i32) {
        self.score = score
    fn build(text: &str, value: i32) -> Self {
        SchoolScore {
            period: String::from(text),
            score: value,

impl Scored<u32> for WorkerScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> u32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, points: u32) {
        self.points = points
    fn build(text: &str, value: u32) -> Self {
        WorkerScore {
            name: String::from(text),
            points: value,

impl Promotable<i32> for SchoolScore {}
impl Promotable<u32> for WorkerScore {}

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("Student averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut s1, &mut s2);
    let xpa = pa(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.period, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xph.period, xph.get_score());

    let mut w1 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Mike"),
        points: 18,
    let mut w2 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Lance"),
        points: 8,
    println!("Worker averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut w1, &mut w2);
    let xpa = pa(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xph.get_score());

fn duo_promoter<K: ScoreUnit, T: Promotable<K>>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {

fn pa<K: ScoreUnit, T: Scored<K>>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let val = (a.get_score().to_f64() + b.get_score().to_f64()) / 2.0;
    T::build("PA", ScoreUnit::from_f64(val))

fn ph<K: ScoreUnit, T: Scored<K>>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let af = a.get_score().to_f64();
    let bf = b.get_score().to_f64();
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    let val = ScoreUnit::from_f64(ans);
    T::build("PH", val)

Associated types

Returning to the averaging functions like:

fn pa<K: ScoreUnit, T: Scored<K>>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {...}

The complexity of this declaration stems from the degree of generalization of the Scored trait. But the structure types only implement Scored once for its corresponding scoring type:

impl Scored<i32> for SchoolScore {...}
impl Scored<u32> for WorkerScore {...}

Given the current requirements, we may assume that there is no sense in providing additional trait implementations; i.e. the following would be pointless:

impl Scored<SomeOtherType> for SchoolScore {...}
impl Scored<AnotherType> for WorkerScore {...}

If a single trait implementation is required for a type, then we may employ a simpler option using "associated types":

pub trait Scored {
    type A: ScoreUnit;
    fn get_score(&self) -> Self::A;
    fn set_score(&mut self, s: Self::A);
    fn build(text: &str, value: Self::A) -> Self;

The type keyword replaces the <T> generic parameter. The values corresponding to this type are specified with the syntax Self::T.

The implementations must resolve the associated type by associating a concrete type (like in this example) or with the help of a generic parameter:

impl Scored for SchoolScore {
    type A = i32;
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {

As shown, the associated types have sense where there is a unique relation between an implementing type, and some trait component type. Now the modified program:

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

pub struct WorkerScore {
    name: String,
    points: u32,

pub trait ScoreUnit {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64;
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self;

impl ScoreUnit for i32 {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64 {
        *self as f64
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self {
        val.round() as i32
impl ScoreUnit for u32 {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64 {
        *self as f64
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self {
        val.round() as u32
impl ScoreUnit for f64 {
    fn to_f64(&self) -> f64 {
        *self as f64
    fn from_f64(val: f64) -> Self {

pub trait Scored {
    type A: ScoreUnit;
    fn get_score(&self) -> Self::A;
    fn set_score(&mut self, s: Self::A);
    fn build(text: &str, value: Self::A) -> Self;

pub trait Promotable: Scored {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool {
        if self.get_score().to_f64() < 14.0 {
        } else {

impl Scored for SchoolScore {
    type A = i32;
    fn get_score(&self) -> i32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, score: i32) {
        self.score = score
    fn build(text: &str, value: i32) -> Self {
        SchoolScore {
            period: String::from(text),
            score: value,

impl Scored for WorkerScore {
    type A = u32;
    fn get_score(&self) -> u32 {
    fn set_score(&mut self, points: u32) {
        self.points = points
    fn build(text: &str, value: u32) -> Self {
        WorkerScore {
            name: String::from(text),
            points: value,

impl Promotable for SchoolScore {}
impl Promotable for WorkerScore {}

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("Student averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut s1, &mut s2);
    let xpa = pa(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.period, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xph.period, xph.get_score());

    let mut w1 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Mike"),
        points: 18,
    let mut w2 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Lance"),
        points: 8,
    println!("Worker averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut w1, &mut w2);
    let xpa = pa(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xpa.get_score());
    let xph = ph(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, xph.get_score());

fn duo_promoter<T: Promotable>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {

fn pa<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let val = (a.get_score().to_f64() + b.get_score().to_f64()) / 2.0;
    T::build("PA", ScoreUnit::from_f64(val))

fn ph<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let af = a.get_score().to_f64();
    let bf = b.get_score().to_f64();
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    let val = ScoreUnit::from_f64(ans);
    T::build("PH", val)

As shown, now the averaging functions returned to a single generic parameter, reducing unnecessary complexity:

fn pa<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {...}

The From trait

The last example could be made in a more "idiomatic" way by leveraging the From trait. We may define a new type named ScoreValue containing a f64, and convesion facilities to translate to/from this new type and the required i32, u32 and f64. For example:

pub struct ScoreValue {
    value: f64,

impl From<i32> for ScoreValue {
    fn from(item: i32) -> Self {
        ScoreValue { value: item as f64 }
// then we may do:
let i : i32 = 12;
let sval = ScoreValue::from(i); // sval is of ScoreValue type

Previously we used extesively this trait when creating String objects from literal text constants using String::from("some text").

The From trait implies the Into trait, so in the previous example, an alternative syntax would be:

let i : i32 = 12;
let sval : ScoreValue = i.into(); // sval's type required for disambiguation

Note that From is not included in the automatically imported types (prelude), so a use std::convert::From directive is supplied at the beginning of the listing (this is similar to C++'s use, or Java’s import directives):

use std::convert::From;

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

pub struct WorkerScore {
    name: String,
    points: u32,

pub struct ScoreValue {
    value: f64,

impl From<i32> for ScoreValue {
    fn from(item: i32) -> Self {
        ScoreValue { value: item as f64 }

impl From<u32> for ScoreValue {
    fn from(item: u32) -> Self {
        ScoreValue { value: item as f64 }

impl From<f64> for ScoreValue {
    fn from(item: f64) -> Self {
        ScoreValue { value: item }

impl From<ScoreValue> for i32 {
    fn from(item: ScoreValue) -> Self {
        item.value.round() as i32

impl From<ScoreValue> for u32 {
    fn from(item: ScoreValue) -> Self {
        item.value.round() as u32

impl From<ScoreValue> for f64 {
    fn from(item: ScoreValue) -> Self {

pub trait Scored {
    fn get_score(&self) -> ScoreValue;
    fn set_score(&mut self, s: ScoreValue);
    fn build(text: &str, value: ScoreValue) -> Self;

pub trait Promotable: Scored {
    fn promote(&mut self) -> bool {
        // let v64: f64 = self.get_score().into();
        let v64 = f64::from(self.get_score());
        if v64 < 14.0 {
        } else {

impl Scored for SchoolScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> ScoreValue {
    fn set_score(&mut self, score: ScoreValue) {
        self.score = score.into()
    fn build(text: &str, value: ScoreValue) -> Self {
        SchoolScore {
            period: String::from(text),
            score: value.into(),

impl Scored for WorkerScore {
    fn get_score(&self) -> ScoreValue {
    fn set_score(&mut self, points: ScoreValue) {
        self.points = points.into()
    fn build(text: &str, value: ScoreValue) -> Self {
        WorkerScore {
            name: String::from(text),
            points: value.into(),

impl Promotable for SchoolScore {}
impl Promotable for WorkerScore {}

fn main() {
    let mut s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let mut s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("Student averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut s1, &mut s2);
    let xpa = pa(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.period, i32::from(xpa.get_score()));
    let xph = ph(&s1, &s2);
    println!("{}={}", xph.period, i32::from(xph.get_score()));

    let mut w1 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Mike"),
        points: 18,
    let mut w2 = WorkerScore {
        name: String::from("Lance"),
        points: 8,
    println!("Worker averages:");
    duo_promoter(&mut w1, &mut w2);
    let xpa = pa(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, i32::from(xpa.get_score()));
    let xph = ph(&w1, &w2);
    println!("{}={}", xpa.name, i32::from(xph.get_score()));

fn duo_promoter<T: Promotable>(a: &mut T, b: &mut T) {

fn pa<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let val = (f64::from(a.get_score()) + f64::from(b.get_score())) / 2.0;
    T::build("PA", ScoreValue::from(val))

fn ph<T: Scored>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T {
    let af: f64 = a.get_score().into();
    let bf: f64 = b.get_score().into();
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    let val = ScoreValue::from(ans);
    T::build("PH", val)
For the reader:
  1. If the school scores have a range 0-20, then the u8 type would be enough for their storage. Implement the required changes for its support

  2. The promote() implementation function contains the comparison: if v64 < 14.0 {…​}. It is bad style to have a parameter value like 14.0 interspersed in the code expressions. Following https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rust-by-example/custom_types/constants.html, replace it with a constant defined at the beginning of the program like: const PROM_THRESHOLD: f64 = 14.0;

  3. The PROM_THRESHOLD is a global constant in the program. It is possible to define type-specific constants; see https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/associated-items.html#associated-constants for more information

Dynamic allocation

The Box data type allows the storage of some information in the heap. It is a pointer to some (user provided) data, which is placed in a dynamically allocated memory region.

The allocated memory is automatically freed when the pointer goes out of scope, so it is more like a C++ smart pointer.

The following program Makes use of boxed variables. To make things a bit more interesting, pa() will return a numeric score, but ph() a boxed object.

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = Box::new(SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let s2 = Box::new(SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", (*s1).score, (*s2).score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&(*s1), &(*s2)));
    let xph = ph(&s1, &s2);
    println!("PH={}", (*xph).score);

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: &Box<SchoolScore>, b: &Box<SchoolScore>) -> Box<SchoolScore> {
    let af = (*a).score as f64;
    let bf = (*b).score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    let ans = ans.round() as i32;
    Box::new(SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("PH"),
        score: ans,

The boxed contained object is extracted with the "de-reference" operator (like in *s1.score.) But Rust is smart enough to deduce we want the de-referenced version and the program may be simplified in the following way (as if no Boxing happened at all):

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let s1 = Box::new(SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: 16,
    let s2 = Box::new(SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: 12,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    let xph = ph(&s1, &s2);
    println!("PH={}", xph.score);

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> Box<SchoolScore> {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    Box::new(SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("PH"),
        score: ans.round() as i32,

"Deref coercion works only on types that implement the Deref trait. Deref coercion converts such a type into a reference to another type."

Reading from command line

The following program shows how to read the contents of the SchoolScore line to line from standard input:

use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn input(prompt: &str, line: &mut String) {
    print!("{}", prompt);

fn main() {
    let mut line = String::new();
    println!("First score");
    input("Enter period> ", &mut line);
    let period1 = String::from(line.trim());
    input("Enter score> ", &mut line);
    let score1: i32 = line.trim().parse().unwrap();
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: period1,
        score: score1,

    println!("Second score");
    input("Enter period> ", &mut line);
    let period2 = String::from(line.trim());
    input("Enter score> ", &mut line);
    let score2: i32 = line.trim().parse().unwrap();
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: period2,
        score: score2,
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&s1, &s2));

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

Notable points:

  1. The input() function displays the message prompt before reading text; we use the print! macro (instead of the println!) to avoid sending a new line after the text

  2. We’re forcing the flushing of the text from the print! macro with Stdout::flush()

  3. The text line is read with Stdin::read_line() which requires a mutable reference to a String

  4. The flush(), read_line() and parse() functions return a Result value which is an enumeration expressing whether the operation was or not successful (Ok or Err variants); see below for more information

  5. This Result value is internally marked with the #[must_use] attribute, so it will generate a warning if not handled by the programmer

  6. The line.clear() call simply removes the previous contents in the String (else read_line() would append the input to the previous stored text)

  7. The trimmed String is converted to an i32 by the parse() function

We "resolve" the #[must_use] attribute in the Result value by calling the unwrap() method, which simply panics on the error case. See also the expect(msg) method which also panics on error, but displaying a user provided error message.

Note that the standard library provides several enumerations named Result with the same variants. The I/O related functions return std::io::Result, but the parse() function does return std::Result.

For the reader:
  1. Replace the unwrap() calls with expect() and try tu force their failure cases

  2. Test what happens when parsing if we avoid the trim() call

  3. The input() function could be simpler if it just return a brand new String instead of reusing a single instance; try it!

Matching variants

The Result type allows a more intelligent handling of the error condition; a usual pattern is to request the user to re-enter a non valid text. This imply a loop in the execution flow, which may be provided by the Rust’s loop keyword.

The loop keyword has the form loop { …​ } and in principle in an "infinite loop", since it requires an explicit interruption for termination: here we simply return from the containing function, ending the loop. Another way corresponds to the break keyword, which immediatly jumps to the next line after the loop.

As in C or Java, there is also a continue keyword which forces an immediate new loop iteration, which was used in the present example.

Returning to the processing of the Result value, it is usualy done by pattern matching on its variants, with the match facility:

match io::Result-value {
   io::Result::Ok(value) => some-expression,
   io::Result::Err(msg) => some-expression,

The last variants may be abbreviated with the _ wildcard. This is similar to the "default case" of the switch block in the C programming language. Also, note that the variants Ok and Err are imported into the prelude:

use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn input_string(prompt: &str) -> String {
    loop {
        print!("{}", prompt);
        let mut line = String::new();
        match io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) {
            Ok(_) => return String::from(line.trim()),
            _ => continue,

fn input_number(prompt: &str) -> i32 {
    loop {
        print!("{}", prompt);
        let mut line = String::new();
        match io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) {
            Ok(_) => (),
            _ => continue,
        match line.trim().parse() {
            Ok(val) => return val,
            _ => continue,

fn input() -> SchoolScore {
    let period = input_string("Enter period> ");
    let score = input_number("Enter score> ");
    SchoolScore {
        period: period,
        score: score,

fn main() {
    println!("First score");
    let s1 = input();
    let s2 = input();
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&s1, &s2));

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

Error handling with Result

The Result enumeration is used as return value for user functions which may fail for some interesting reason. As shown, its variants are Ok for holding a successful result, and Err for holding a failure reason.

For more illustation, lets adapt this previous version of the averaging program:

fn main() {
    let x1 = 16;
    let x2 = 12;
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, pa(x1, x2), ph(x1, x2));

fn pa(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    (a + b) / 2

fn ph(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    let af = a as f64;
    let bf = b as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    println!("PH (f64) is {}", ans);
    ans.round() as i32

Here we’ll introduce Result for the corresponding return values and a user defined error type ScoreError, considering that the scores must be in the range 0-20, and that our harmonic average formula fails when both scores are zero:

enum ScoreError {
fn main() {
    let x1 = 16;
    //let x2 = 12;
    let x2 = -10;
    let arith = match pa(x1, x2) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        _ => panic!("Invalid arguments for pa()"),
    let harm = match ph(x1, x2) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        _ => panic!("Invalid arguments for ph()"),
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, arith, harm);

fn pa(a: i32, b: i32) -> Result<i32, ScoreError> {
    if a < 0 || a > 20 || b < 0 || b > 20 {
        return Err(ScoreError::OutOfRange);
    Ok((a + b) / 2)

fn ph(a: i32, b: i32) -> Result<i32, ScoreError> {
    if a == 0 && b == 0 {
        return Err(ScoreError::BothZero);
    if a < 0 || a > 20 || b < 0 || b > 20 {
        return Err(ScoreError::OutOfRange);
    let af = a as f64;
    let bf = b as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    Ok(ans.round() as i32)

Which purposedly fails this way:

$ cargo run --bin p0470
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/p0470`
thread 'main' panicked at 'Invalid arguments for pa()', src/bin/p0470.rs:11:14
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

For more information, we may obtain basic information about the error cause by deriving Debug:

enum ScoreError {
fn main() {
    let x1 = 16;
    //let x2 = 12;
    let x2 = -10;
    let arith = match pa(x1, x2) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(e) => panic!("Error calling pa(): {:?}", e),
    let harm = match ph(x1, x2) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(e) => panic!("Error calling ph(): {:?}", e),
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, arith, harm);

which produce:

$ cargo run --bin p0472
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/p0472`
thread 'main' panicked at 'Error calling pa(): OutOfRange', src/bin/p0472.rs:12:19
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

A more erognomic way to handle those errors may be obtained with the ? operator, which extract the Ok() variant’s value, or simply forwards (like an exception re-throw) the error for the caller to handle it. Here the error is passed to main(), whose return value is adapted appropiatedly:

enum ScoreError {
fn main() -> Result<(), ScoreError> {
    let x1 = 16;
    //let x2 = 12;
    let x2 = -10;
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, pa(x1, x2)?, ph(x1, x2)?);

The standard library provides an std::error::Error trait which is the conventional super type for the errors in the language. The following version of the program defines an ScoreError type implementing the trait: it has Debug and Display as supertypes so we "derive" the first one, and implement the second one.

The program asks for two numbers, which are captured from the command line. Here two kinds of error may happen: an I/O related error when reading from the standard input, and a "parsing" error when translating the user text into a number. Both are considered as special values of the ScoreError, and we preserve their original value as arguments of the enum variants.

Now let’s see the function:

fn get_number() -> Result<i32, ScoreError> {...}

It may "fail" because of an I/O error or a parsing error; in both cases we employ the "?" operator to "re-throw" the exception to the caller, but with the ScoreError type.

That means that the I/O errors and the parsing errors must be "converted" into the corresponding variants of ScoreError when employing the "?" operator.

In order to achieve this conversion we simple implement the From trait for those error types:

impl From<io::Error> for ScoreError {...}
impl From<num::ParseIntError> for ScoreError {...}

Finally, for demonstration purposes we are explicitly displaying the generated error (if it happens) in the main() function.

use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::num;

enum ScoreError {

impl error::Error for ScoreError {}

impl fmt::Display for ScoreError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            ScoreError::BothZero => write!(f, "Both scores are zero"),
            ScoreError::Parse(err) => write!(f, "Invalid number can't be parsed: {}", err),
            ScoreError::OutOfRange(par) => write!(f, "Out of range in parameter {}", par),
            ScoreError::IO(err) => write!(f, "I/O related error: {}", err),

impl From<io::Error> for ScoreError {
    fn from(err: io::Error) -> ScoreError {

impl From<num::ParseIntError> for ScoreError {
    fn from(err: num::ParseIntError) -> ScoreError {

fn main() {
    if let Err(e) = run() {
        println!("Error: {}", e);

fn run() -> Result<(), ScoreError> {
    let x1 = get_number()?;
    let x2 = get_number()?;
    println!("AVG({},{}) PA={} PH={}", x1, x2, pa(x1, x2)?, ph(x1, x2)?);

fn get_number() -> Result<i32, ScoreError> {
    let mut buf: String = String::new();
    io::stdin().read_line(&mut buf)?;
    let number = buf.trim().parse::<i32>()?;

fn pa(a: i32, b: i32) -> Result<i32, ScoreError> {
    if a < 0 || a > 20 {
        return Err(ScoreError::OutOfRange(1));
    if b < 0 || b > 20 {
        return Err(ScoreError::OutOfRange(2));
    Ok((a + b) / 2)

fn ph(a: i32, b: i32) -> Result<i32, ScoreError> {
    if a == 0 && b == 0 {
        return Err(ScoreError::BothZero);
    if a < 0 || a > 20 {
        return Err(ScoreError::OutOfRange(1));
    if b < 0 || b > 20 {
        return Err(ScoreError::OutOfRange(2));
    let af = a as f64;
    let bf = b as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    Ok(ans.round() as i32)

The topic of error handling in Rust is not trivial. Please see https://blog.burntsushi.net/rust-error-handling/ for a comprehensive explanation. More ideas may be read in https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/error/multiple_error_types.html .

Regular expressions

Rust does not provide built-in support for regular expressions, so we need to add the regex crate into Cargo.toml:

regex = "1.5"

As an illustration, from https://turreta.com/2019/09/14/rust-validate-email-address-using-regular-expressions/ we’ll take a regular expression for basic email validation (if interested in this topic, please see the discussion in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/201323/how-to-validate-an-email-address-using-a-regular-expression ). In the following listing, a regular expression matcher is built with the Regex::new() method (the regular expression is compiled) and then is used to verify an email address provided by the user. Note that this program is a small evolution from the previous one:

use regex::Regex;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    email: String,
    score: i32,

// same as previous listing ...

fn input() -> SchoolScore {
    let re = Regex::new(
    let period = input_string("Enter period> ");
    let email;
    loop {
        let t_email = input_string("Enter email> ");
        if re.is_match(&t_email) {
            email = t_email;
        println!("Bad email address - please retry");
    let score = input_number("Enter score> ");
    SchoolScore {
        period: period,
        score: score,
        email: email,
For serious email address validation you should avoid regular expressions at all and employ a special purpose library like https://crates.io/crates/validator .
For the reader:
  1. On invalid intput, the example just retry the input, but do not explain what’s happening: provide some information for the user in the error cases

  2. Modify the regular expression in order to accept email addresses of an specific domain (like university.edu)

  3. Remove the regular expressions support from Cargo.toml and add the validator crate for email address verification

Random scores

The usual way of generating random numbers with with he help of the rand::Rng generator, which is obtained with the rand::thread_rng() function. In the following example we get values in the range [0,21); that is, from zero to 20:

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: rndgen.gen_range(0, 21),
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: rndgen.gen_range(0, 21),
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&s1, &s2));

fn pa(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    (a.score + b.score) / 2

fn ph(a: &SchoolScore, b: &SchoolScore) -> i32 {
    let af = a.score as f64;
    let bf = b.score as f64;
    let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
    ans.round() as i32

This random number generator is not part of the Rust standard library, but an additional library: a Rust "crate". In order to make it available in the project, the create must be listed as a dependency in the Cargo.toml configuration file:

rand = "0.5.5"

On the next project build, the library will be downloaded into the Rust installation for further use.

For the reader:
  1. Search for the rand crate at https://crates.io/; what is its "current" version?

  2. Read about the multiple ways to specify the dependency’s crate versions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-dependencies.html

  3. See more ideas on random number generation in https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/algorithms/randomness.html

  4. From the previous link, investigate a more reasonable way to model random scores using the normal (https://docs.rs/rand_distr/0.4.0/rand_distr/struct.Normal.html) distribution, and improve the current simulation

More on looping

With our random number generator, now we’ll create a disk file with any number of random scores. Observe the use of the loop keyword for the iteration and how it is terminated with an explicit break:

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

fn input_number(prompt: &str) -> u32 {
    loop {
        print!("{}", prompt);
        let mut line = String::new();
        match io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) {
            Ok(_) => (),
            _ => continue,
        match line.trim().parse() {
            Ok(val) => return val,
            _ => continue,

fn main() {
    let num = input_number("How many records? ");
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let mut file = File::create("/tmp/test-output.txt").expect("Can't create file");
    let mut z = 0;
    loop {
        if z >= num {
        let score = rndgen.gen_range(0, 21);
        writeln!(&mut file, "{}->{}", z, score).unwrap();
        z += 1;

In order to opening the file in "append" mode, change the File::create() call with something like:

let mut file = OpenOptions::new().append(true).
   open("/tmp/test-output.txt").expect("Can't open file for append");
There is no close() method for the file handle: the file is closed when its handler object goes out of score. The closing may be forced by destroying the handler by calling drop(&file).

Execution test:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0580
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.73s
     Running `target/debug/p0580`
How many records? 4
diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cat /tmp/test-output.txt

Since this loop pattern is very common, Rust provides the classic while condition {…​} construct:

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

fn input_number(prompt: &str) -> u32 {
    loop {
        print!("{}", prompt);
        let mut line = String::new();
        match io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) {
            Ok(_) => (),
            _ => continue,
        match line.trim().parse() {
            Ok(val) => return val,
            _ => continue,

fn main() {
    let num = input_number("How many records? ");
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let mut file = File::create("/tmp/test-output.txt").expect("Can't create file");
    let mut z = 0;
    while z < num {
        let score = rndgen.gen_range(0, 21);
        writeln!(&mut file, "{}->{}", z, score).unwrap();
        z += 1;

and a for range {…​} construct, where the range is specified with the syntax a..b corresponding to the values a, a+1…​ b-1, but not including b. There is an alternative a..=b syntax for including the final extreme b.

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

fn input_number(prompt: &str) -> u32 {
    loop {
        print!("{}", prompt);
        let mut line = String::new();
        match io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) {
            Ok(_) => (),
            _ => continue,
        match line.trim().parse() {
            Ok(val) => return val,
            _ => continue,

fn main() {
    let num = input_number("How many records? ");
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let mut file = File::create("/tmp/test-output.txt").expect("Can't create file");
    for z in 0..num {
        let score = rndgen.gen_range(0, 21);
        writeln!(&mut file, "{}->{}", z, score).unwrap();
The for range extremes are evaluated only once before the first loop iteration, and remain fixed until its termination, even if they were the result of some variable expression whose value would change during the loop.
For the reader:
  1. Try to verify the last note regarding the for range immutablility: make the num a mutable variable, and inside the loop reset it to a small value (like zero)

  2. Do the same test with the while loop example


Modules introduce a controlled access scope and namespacing for types and functions. As a trivial example, the following listing does contain a module containing the averaging functions:

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn main() {
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let s1 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("January"),
        score: rndgen.gen_range(0, 21),
    let s2 = SchoolScore {
        period: String::from("February"),
        score: rndgen.gen_range(0, 21),
    println!("AVG({},{}) ", s1.score, s2.score);
    println!("PA={}", averaging::pa(&s1, &s2));
    println!("PH={}", averaging::ph(&s1, &s2));

pub mod averaging {

    pub fn pa(a: &super::SchoolScore, b: &super::SchoolScore) -> i32 {
        (a.score + b.score) / 2

    pub fn ph(a: &super::SchoolScore, b: &super::SchoolScore) -> i32 {
        let af = a.score as f64;
        let bf = b.score as f64;
        let ans = 2.0 * af * bf / (af + bf);
        ans.round() as i32

Here the averaging module is specified with the mod name {…​} syntax, but usualy, modules are stored in its own file with no need for this enclosing syntax; in this case, calling code needs to specify a mod name; declaration.

The SchoolScore type is outside the averaging module, which technically is the parent (default) module. For this reason, from the module it needs to be referenced whith the super::SchoolScore syntax.

To make things a bit confusing, module files may be created inside the src/ directory with a file name name.rs which defines the module name, or inside a new subdirectory under src/ with the predefined file name mod.rs; in this case, the subdirectory name defines the module name.

The code which is not under a module is added to a default module named crate.

For the reader:
  1. Create a new project with the example code into main.rs, but put the averaging module in its own averaging.rs file (besides main.rs.)

  2. In averagin.rs, make sure to remove the enclosing mod averaging {…​} since it is no longer needed (leaving it would define an averaging::averaging submodule)

  3. Add the mod averaging; at the beginning of main.rs in order to access the module

  4. The module functions are private by default. Remove the pub directive from the module functions to verify that the parent module is unable to access them


Let’s create a number of scores with the help of our random number generator:

use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn input_number(prompt: &str) -> u32 {
    loop {
        print!("{}", prompt);
        let mut line = String::new();
        match io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) {
            Ok(_) => (),
            _ => continue,
        match line.trim().parse() {
            Ok(val) => return val,
            _ => continue,

fn build_record<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> SchoolScore {
    let sz = rng.gen_range(5, 16);
    let period: String = rng.sample_iter(&Alphanumeric).take(sz).collect();
    let score = rng.gen_range(0, 21);
    SchoolScore { period, score }

fn main() {
    let num = input_number("How many records? ");
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let mut records: Vec<SchoolScore> = Vec::new();
    for _ in 0..num {
        let rec = build_record(&mut rndgen);
    for rec in records.iter() {
        println!("Record is {:?}", rec);

The Vec<T> is a "vector" container similar to the corresponding C++ type or Java’s ArrayList: it allows the insertion of arbitrary number of same-type elements, preserving insertion order, and providing very fast access of the elements by position. We create a new vector with its new() static method, assigning to a mutable and explicitely typed variable (like records in the example.)

Since the SchoolScore type is composed from basic Rust types, a "debug view" may be automatically generated with the #[derive(Debug)] directive, so its instances may be printed with the {:?} placeholder notation.

Also, Random::Rng is a trait with for some unknown implementation, so we employ a trait bound in order to provide its value to the build_record() function. Note the use of the sample_iter() method used to generate random strings containing 5-15 characters; those characters are letters (upper and lower case) and numeric digits. Compare with the following implementation which generates random strings containing characters in the set A-Z (ASCII codes 65 to 90):

    // sample_iter() imitation
    let mut period = String::new();
    for _ in 0..rng.gen_range(5, 16) {
        let ch = char::from(rng.gen_range(65, 91));

Returning to the vector, the push() method is used to append elements into it. An important functionality is shown in the display of the vector contents:

    for rec in records.iter() {
        println!("Record is {:?}", rec);

Here the for keyword is running on a vector’s iterator obtained by iter(). This is a "read only" iterator which does not allow any kind of modification of the elements.

There are two other kinds of iterator obtained by:

   for rec in records.iter_mut() {...}

this iterator allows the modification of the elements while being iterated; and:

    for rec in records.into_iter() {...}

This iterator "consumes" the elements from the vector, and transfer the vector’s ownership into the function, so after the iteration, the vector variable can no longer be used. This last iteration mode may be abbreviated with the following syntax:

    for rec in records {...} // like into_iter()

For example, with the following modifications the last sample does not compile since the records variable was "moved" after the first loop:

    // ... previous lines same as before ...
    for rec in records {
        println!("1st run, record is {:?}", rec);
    for rec in records {
        println!("2nd run, record is {:?}", rec);

Of course, using records.iter() it would be okay.

For the reader:
  1. Complete the sample_iter() imitation shown above in order to include lower case letters and digits

  2. The vector contents are stored in memory. Set a limit for the size of the generation (for example, 100000 records)

  3. Make the program to pause by requesting some text from the console before the final display of the records. Run the program, and while paused, check its memory consumption with the operating system utilities. Do it for several values of the the vector

Averaging the vector

From the previous example, we’ll reinsert the calculation of the averaging functions, but now they will work for any number of values. Also, this version does show how to capture command line arguments: the number of elements must be specified in the command line. Following the C/Unix convention, the first argument (position zero) is the executable program name, and the second one (position 1) will be the user provided number.

The arguments are provided in a Rust specific type named env::Args which is an iterator. It is converted into a Vec for convenience.

use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::env;

pub struct SchoolScore {
    period: String,
    score: i32,

fn build_record<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> SchoolScore {
    let period: String = rng.sample_iter(&Alphanumeric).take(10).collect();
    let score = rng.gen_range(0, 21);
    SchoolScore { period, score }

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    if args.len() != 2 {
        panic!("Must provide the number of records");
    let num = match args[1].parse() {
        Ok(val) => val,
        _ => panic!("Must provide the number of records"),
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let mut records: Vec<SchoolScore> = Vec::new();
    for _ in 0..num {
        let rec = build_record(&mut rndgen);
    for rec in records.iter() {
        println!("Record is {:?}", rec);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&records));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&records));

fn pa(data: &Vec<SchoolScore>) -> i32 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for rec in data.iter() {
        total = total + f64::from(rec.score);
    let n = data.len() as f64;
    (total / n).round() as i32

fn ph(data: &Vec<SchoolScore>) -> i32 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for rec in data.iter() {
        total = total + 1.0 / f64::from(rec.score);
    let n = data.len() as f64;
    (n / total).round() as i32

Besides iterators, vector elements may be extracted with the var[position] syntax (as in the args variable.) Usualy, it is better to take a reference with &var[position], since the former transfer the ownership of the element from the vector. For example, the following program works as expected:

fn main() {
    let mut something: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    let k = &something[1];
    println!("element[1] is {}", k);

But after changing the assignation of k into:

let k = something[1];

then we get the following error:

error[E0507]: cannot move out of index of `Vec<String>`
 --> src/bin/p0665.rs:6:13
6 |     let k = something[1];
  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |             |
  |             move occurs because value has type `String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
  |             help: consider borrowing here: `&something[1]`

Another way to extract elements is with the get(index) method: it returns an Option<&T> where None is returned when the index is out of range.

For the reader:
  1. If no command line arguments are provided, or if an invalid value is provided, then ask the user to provide the required value using the input_number() function shown in previous example

A vector application

This section is a recapilutation of the previous concepts. The following example shows a new SchoolClass containing a vector of Strudent`s. The `SchoolClass does not implements any trait, but has a number of methods: it behaves like a classic C++ or Java class.

The averaging functions now are methods which operate in the internal vector. The best() method is interesting in its return value: the Option may be None if no students were added to the SchoolClass instance.

pub struct Student {
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    sex: Sex,
    score: u8,

pub enum Sex {

pub struct SchoolClass {
    name: String,
    people: Vec<Student>,

impl SchoolClass {
    fn new(name: &str) -> SchoolClass {
        SchoolClass {
            name: String::from(name),
            people: Vec::new(),
    fn new_student(&mut self, name: &str, age: u8, sex: Sex, score: u8) {
        let s = Student {
            name: String::from(name),
            age: age,
            sex: sex,
            score: score,
    fn pa(&self) -> u8 {
        let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
        for rec in self.people.iter() {
            total = total + f64::from(rec.score);
        let n = self.people.len() as f64;
        (total / n).round() as u8

    fn ph(&self) -> u8 {
        let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
        for rec in self.people.iter() {
            total = total + 1.0 / f64::from(rec.score);
        let n = self.people.len() as f64;
        (n / total).round() as u8

    fn len(&self) -> usize {

    fn best(&self) -> Option<&Student> {
        let mut idx: i32 = -1;
        let mut cur_max: u8 = 0;
        for (i, rec) in self.people.iter().enumerate() {
            if rec.score > cur_max {
                idx = i as i32;
                cur_max = rec.score;
        if idx < 0 {
            return None;
        Some(&self.people[idx as usize])

fn main() {
    let mut school_class = SchoolClass::new("Rust 101");
    school_class.new_student("Mike Schumacher", 21, Sex::MALE, 17);
    school_class.new_student("Max Verstappen", 25, Sex::MALE, 19);
    school_class.new_student("Checo Perez", 31, Sex::MALE, 18);
    school_class.new_student("Marcus Mazepin", 22, Sex::MALE, 9);
    println!("There are {} students", school_class.len());
    println!("PA={}", school_class.pa());
    println!("PH={}", school_class.ph());
    let best_student = school_class.best();
    println!("Best of class {}: {:?}", school_class.name, best_student);

See also the enumerate() method which is used for returning tuples containing the interation index (from zero) and the iterated element.

For the reader:
  1. The averages will fail when there are no students in the vector; an Option<u8> would be a better return value for them

  2. Implement a function to find the "worst" student

Initializing vectors

Rust provides the vec! macro to help in the initialization of vector values. The following example illustrates its usage by randomly combining names and last names. Observe the use of literal constants, so the resulting vector type is Vec<&str>:

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

pub struct SchoolScore {
    driver: String,
    score: i32,

fn build_record<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, fnames: &Vec<&str>, lnames: &Vec<&str>) -> SchoolScore {
    let idx_fname = rng.gen_range(0, fnames.len());
    let idx_lname = rng.gen_range(0, lnames.len());
    let mut driver = String::new();
    driver.push_str(" ");
    let score = rng.gen_range(0, 21);
    SchoolScore { driver, score }

fn main() {
    let num = 5;
    let fnames = vec![
    let lnames = vec![
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let mut records: Vec<SchoolScore> = Vec::new();
    for _ in 0..num {
        let rec = build_record(&mut rndgen, &fnames, &lnames);
    for rec in records.iter() {
        println!("Record is {:?}", rec);

A run example:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0685
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/p0685`
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Sergio Ricciardo", score: 16 }
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Max Schumacher", score: 13 }
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Mike Ricciardo", score: 11 }
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Max Raikkonen", score: 0 }
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Lewis Vettel", score: 19 }


The Slice types provide a "view" for a region of a vector, and other types containing collections of elements. If the contained elements are of type T, then the slice type is denoted by [T].

It is not possible to transfer the ownership of "some contents" of a vector (or any related type), so the slices will normally be used as references: &[T].

The slices may be obtained by methods in the Slice and SliceMut traits (like as_slice()), but usually they are automatically generated by "coercion". The previous example may be translated to slice notation simply by changing:

fn build_record<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, fnames: &Vec<&str>, lnames: &Vec<&str>) -> SchoolScore {...}


fn build_record<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, fnames: &[&str], lnames: &[&str]) -> SchoolScore {...}

The rest of the code remains exactly as before. That is, slices provide element access by the var[position] syntax, the len() method, etc.

The key is the automatic coercion by the syntax &fnames or &lnames: it generates a slice pointing to the full vector contents.

But there are more slice expressions; for example, changing the build_record() invocation to:

let rec = build_record(&mut rndgen, &fnames[0..2], &lnames[0..3]);

Does generate slices corresponding to views of only the first two and three elements of the mentioned vectors, respectively. A run of this program follows:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo run --bin p0691
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/p0691`
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Mike Schumacher", score: 17 }
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Niki Schumacher", score: 11 }
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Mike Schumacher", score: 12 }
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Niki Senna", score: 14 }
Record is SchoolScore { driver: "Mike Schumacher", score: 9 }

Note that String contained text may also be coerced to slice references. Its type is &str. See https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ch04-03-slices.html#string-slices for more information.


As in many programming languages, are compile time fixed-length ordered lists of same-type elements. For example, the following defines a five element array containing &str elements. This array’s type is denoted by [&str;5]:

let some_array = ["ha", "he", "hi", "ho", "hu"];

So the type [T;n] (where n is a non negative integer constant) denotes an array containing exactly n elements, each of type T.

The previous examples include two vectors which are never resized, so they may be replaced by arrays. And like vectors, arrays of type [T;n] (where n is ths array size) are coerced into slices of type [T].

So, following with the previous examples, in order to interchange vectors by arrays the only required modification is to replace these lines:

let fnames = vec![
let lnames = vec![

by the following:

let fnames = [
let lnames = [

That all! Note that the types of both arrays are [&str;10] and [&str;11]; when calling by &fname or &lname, the arguments become coerced slice refences of type &[&str]. Now the full listing for the new version:

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

pub struct SchoolScore {
    driver: String,
    score: i32,

fn build_record<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, fnames: &[&str], lnames: &[&str]) -> SchoolScore {
    let idx_fname = rng.gen_range(0, fnames.len());
    let idx_lname = rng.gen_range(0, lnames.len());
    let mut driver = String::new();
    driver.push_str(" ");
    let score = rng.gen_range(0, 21);
    SchoolScore { driver, score }

fn pa(records: &[SchoolScore]) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for rec in records.iter() {
        total = total + f64::from(rec.score);
    let n = records.len() as f64;
    (total / n).round() as u8

fn ph(records: &[SchoolScore]) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for rec in records.iter() {
        total = total + 1.0 / f64::from(rec.score);
    let n = records.len() as f64;
    (n / total).round() as u8

fn main() {
    let num = 5;
    let fnames = [
    let lnames = [
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let mut records: Vec<SchoolScore> = Vec::new();
    for _ in 0..num {
        let rec = build_record(&mut rndgen, &fnames, &lnames);
    for rec in records.iter() {
        println!("Record is {:?}", rec);
    println!("PA={}", pa(&records));
    println!("PH={}", ph(&records));

The HashMap container

Also known as dictionary or associative array, allows the unordered storage of single typed values, each one associated and referenced by a single type unique key value.

For example, the students in a school usualy have a unique code for clear identification. From our previous student class example, we’ll add a the id property for the students:

pub struct Student {
    id: String,
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    sex: Sex,
    score: u8,

The id is a String which (in this example) will contain an incrementing numeric value: this "counter" will be stored in the SchoolClass instance.

The HashMap is created by its new() static method and is parametric in two types: one for the keys and one for the values.

As shown in the next example, the iterator returns a pair containing the (key,value) pairs:

use std::collections::HashMap;

pub struct Student {
    id: String,
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    sex: Sex,
    score: u8,

pub enum Sex {

pub struct SchoolClass {
    name: String,
    people: HashMap<String, Student>,
    last_id: u64,

impl SchoolClass {
    fn new(name: &str) -> SchoolClass {
        SchoolClass {
            name: String::from(name),
            people: HashMap::new(),
            last_id: 1000000,
    fn new_student(&mut self, name: &str, age: u8, sex: Sex, score: u8) {
        let id = self.last_id.to_string();
        let idmap = id.clone();
        self.last_id = self.last_id + 1;
        let s = Student {
            id: id,
            name: String::from(name),
            age: age,
            sex: sex,
            score: score,
        self.people.insert(idmap, s);
    fn pa(&self) -> u8 {
        let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
        for (_, rec) in self.people.iter() {
            total = total + f64::from(rec.score);
        let n = self.people.len() as f64;
        (total / n).round() as u8

    fn ph(&self) -> u8 {
        let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
        for (_, rec) in self.people.iter() {
            total = total + 1.0 / f64::from(rec.score);
        let n = self.people.len() as f64;
        (n / total).round() as u8

    fn len(&self) -> usize {

    fn best(&self) -> Option<&Student> {
        let mut max_score: i32 = -1;
        let mut the_best: Option<&Student> = Option::None;
        for (_, rec) in self.people.iter() {
            if rec.score as i32 > max_score {
                max_score = rec.score as i32;
                the_best = Some(rec);

fn main() {
    let mut school_class = SchoolClass::new("Rust F1");
    school_class.new_student("Mike Schumacher", 21, Sex::MALE, 17);
    school_class.new_student("Max Verstappen", 25, Sex::MALE, 19);
    school_class.new_student("Checo Perez", 31, Sex::MALE, 18);
    school_class.new_student("Marcus Mazepin", 22, Sex::MALE, 9);
    println!("There are {} students", school_class.len());
    println!("PA={}", school_class.pa());
    println!("PH={}", school_class.ph());
    let best_student = school_class.best();
    println!("Best of class {}: {:?}", school_class.name, best_student);

Sorting values

Ordered containers like vectors provide sorting facilities. We want to produce a listing of the students of the previous example sorted by age.

Since HashMap is not an ordered container, as a first step will create a vector with references to the elements. Remember that the other options are:

  1. A vector with clones from the elements (maybe too heavy)

  2. Transfer the values from the HashMap (leaving it empty) into the vector

Note that this explicit distinction is one of the best selling points for Rust as compared to C/C++.

Our sorted vector will be generated from a SchoolClass method named by_age():

impl SchoolClass {
    // ... same as before ...
    fn age_sorter(age1: &&Student, age2: &&Student) -> Ordering {
        if age1.age > age2.age {
        } else if age1.age < age2.age {
        } else {

    fn by_age(&self) -> Vec<&Student> {
        let mut drivers: Vec<&Student> = Vec::new();
        for (_, rec) in self.people.iter() {

fn main() {
    // ... same as before ...
    let students_by_age = school_class.by_age();
    for student in students_by_age.iter() {
        println!("By age -> {:?}", student);

Here we use the sort_by() method which requires a comparator function, here named age_sorter(). The sort_by() calls the comparator with references to the vector elements. Since the elements have type &Student, then the calls will send values of type &&Student. This explains the age_sorter() signature.

Ordered types

There are many criteria for ordering a vector of complex data types as in the previous example. But some data types have a "natural" or "preferred" ordering which depends on the domain model. Let’s assume that the natural ordering for the students is based on their age. This situation in Rust is described by the implementation of the Ord trait.

As shown in https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cmp/trait.Ord.html, this trait has the Eq and PartialOrd as super traits, so both traits must be implemented. They also have the PartialEq as super trait, so it also must be implemented.

When the Ord trait is implemented, then the sort() method is available as shown in the following listing. We removed the averaging methods for clarity:

use std::cmp::Ord;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::HashMap;

pub struct Student {
    id: String,
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    sex: Sex,
    score: u8,

pub enum Sex {

pub struct SchoolClass {
    name: String,
    people: HashMap<String, Student>,
    last_id: u64,

impl Ord for Student {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {

impl Eq for Student {}

impl PartialOrd for Student {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl PartialEq for Student {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.age == other.age

impl SchoolClass {
    fn new(name: &str) -> SchoolClass {
        SchoolClass {
            name: String::from(name),
            people: HashMap::new(),
            last_id: 1000000,
    fn new_student(&mut self, name: &str, age: u8, sex: Sex, score: u8) {
        let id = self.last_id.to_string();
        let idmap = id.clone();
        self.last_id = self.last_id + 1;
        let s = Student {
            id: id,
            name: String::from(name),
            age: age,
            sex: sex,
            score: score,
        self.people.insert(idmap, s);
    fn by_age(&self) -> Vec<&Student> {
        let mut drivers: Vec<&Student> = self.people.values().collect();

fn main() {
    let mut school_class = SchoolClass::new("Rust F1");
    school_class.new_student("Mike Schumacher", 21, Sex::MALE, 17);
    school_class.new_student("Max Verstappen", 25, Sex::MALE, 19);
    school_class.new_student("Checo Perez", 31, Sex::MALE, 18);
    school_class.new_student("Marcus Mazepin", 22, Sex::MALE, 9);
    let students_by_age = school_class.by_age();
    for student in students_by_age.iter() {
        println!("By age -> {:?}", student);

Note also that we created the vector by collecting the HashMap values, which in turm was obtained from the values() iterator.

Introducing closures

The sort_by() method does require a comparator function, which previously was implemented as a usual method named age_sorter. This may be best served with an anonymous function, which provide the "closure" functionality of some programming languages. From https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/ch13-01-closures.html:

"Rust’s closures are anonymous functions you can save in a variable or pass as arguments to other functions. You can create the closure in one place and then call the closure to evaluate it in a different context. Unlike functions, closures can capture values from the scope in which they’re defined."

The following version is an evolution from the sort_by() call. Here we replaced it by the sort_unstable_by() which may be a little faster:

use std::collections::HashMap;

pub struct Student {
    id: String,
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    sex: Sex,
    score: u8,

pub enum Sex {

pub struct SchoolClass {
    name: String,
    people: HashMap<String, Student>,
    last_id: u64,

impl SchoolClass {
    fn new(name: &str) -> SchoolClass {
        SchoolClass {
            name: String::from(name),
            people: HashMap::new(),
            last_id: 1000000,
    fn new_student(&mut self, name: &str, age: u8, sex: Sex, score: u8) {
        let id = self.last_id.to_string();
        let idmap = id.clone();
        self.last_id = self.last_id + 1;
        let s = Student {
            id: id,
            name: String::from(name),
            age: age,
            sex: sex,
            score: score,
        self.people.insert(idmap, s);
    fn by_age(&self) -> Vec<&Student> {
        let mut drivers: Vec<&Student> = self.people.values().collect();
        drivers.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.age.cmp(&b.age));

fn main() {
    let mut school_class = SchoolClass::new("Rust F1");
    school_class.new_student("Mike Schumacher", 21, Sex::MALE, 17);
    school_class.new_student("Max Verstappen", 25, Sex::MALE, 19);
    school_class.new_student("Checo Perez", 31, Sex::MALE, 18);
    school_class.new_student("Marcus Mazepin", 22, Sex::MALE, 9);
    let students_by_age = school_class.by_age();
        .for_each(|s| println!("By age -> {:?}", s));

This example illustrates the annonymous function syntax notation: |parameters…​| body. Also, the final display was done with the help of the for_each() function, which executes a closure as many times as elements are provided by the iterator (as returned by the iter() method.)

We may further simplify the program by employing the sort_by_key() method, which requires a closure which provide Ord-implementing values to be used as sorting keys: for our students, their ages have type u8 and this type already implements the Ord trait (see https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.u8.html#trait-implementations for more information):

    fn by_age(&self) -> Vec<&Student> {
        let mut drivers: Vec<&Student> = self.people.values().collect();
        drivers.sort_by_key(|st| st.age);

Containing References

Imagine we have many Student objects, all of them included in the "total set", and some of them included in the "top set". We may model this situation with the containers:

let mut vec_total: Vec<Student>;
let mut vec_top: Vec<Student>;

For this solution to work, we will need to duplicate each student belonging to both sets, which may be a waste of memory. Also, when updating a student, we will need to modify one or two objects, with the corresponding complexity of this tracking.

In some cases, a better solution may be to store references to the students:

let mut vec_total: Vec<&Student>;
let mut vec_top: Vec<&Student>;

This will work as long the referenced objects are alive while the vectors are used. Let’s review an example:

pub struct Student {
    id: u32,
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    score: u8,

impl Student {
    fn new(id: u32, name: &str, age: u8, score: u8) -> Student {
        Student {
            id: id,
            name: String::from(name),
            age: age,
            score: score,

fn pa(data: &Vec<&Student>) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for st in data.iter() {
        total = total + f64::from(st.score);
    let n = data.len() as f64;
    (total / n).round() as u8

fn ph(data: &Vec<&Student>) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for st in data.iter() {
        total = total + 1.0 / f64::from(st.score);
    let n = data.len() as f64;
    (n / total).round() as u8

/* fn ac(vec_total: &mut Vec<&Student>) {
    let st = Student::new(1001, "Andres Calamaro", 50, 12);
} */

fn main() {
    let mut vec_total: Vec<&Student> = Vec::new();
    let mut vec_top: Vec<&Student> = Vec::new();
    let st = Student::new(1001, "Mike Schumacher", 21, 17);

    let st = Student::new(1002, "Max Verstappen", 25, 19);

    let st = Student::new(1003, "Checo Perez", 31, 18);

    let st = Student::new(1004, "Marcus Mazepin", 22, 9);

    /* ac(&mut vec_total); */

    println!("TOTAL PA={}", pa(&vec_total));
    println!("TOTAL PH={}", ph(&vec_total));

    println!("TOP   PA={}", pa(&vec_top));
    println!("TOP   PH={}", ph(&vec_top));

The most important issue here is what happens when the commented lines are enabled:

40 |     vec_total.push(&st);
   |     ---------------^^^-
   |     |              |
   |     |              borrowed value does not live long enough

The st object dies with the ac() function, so &st would be invalid, so Rust complains.

A third way to implement this scenary is the usage of "reference counting": here we will transfer the ownership of each object into one or many "intelligent references" to be stored in the vectors as needed. When all the containing references for an object are destroyed, then the object is destroyed:

use std::rc::Rc;

pub struct Student {
    id: u32,
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    score: u8,

impl Student {
    fn new(id: u32, name: &str, age: u8, score: u8) -> Student {
        Student {
            id: id,
            name: String::from(name),
            age: age,
            score: score,

fn pa(data: &Vec<Rc<Student>>) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for st in data.iter() {
        total = total + f64::from(st.score);
    let n = data.len() as f64;
    (total / n).round() as u8

fn ph(data: &Vec<Rc<Student>>) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for st in data.iter() {
        total = total + 1.0 / f64::from(st.score);
    let n = data.len() as f64;
    (n / total).round() as u8

fn ac(vec_total: &mut Vec<Rc<Student>>) {
    let st = Rc::new(Student::new(1001, "Andres Calamaro", 50, 12));

fn main() {
    let mut vec_total: Vec<Rc<Student>> = Vec::new();
    let mut vec_top: Vec<Rc<Student>> = Vec::new();
    let st_total: Rc<Student> = Rc::new(Student::new(1001, "Mike Schumacher", 21, 17));
    let st_top: Rc<Student> = Rc::clone(&st_total);

    let st_total: Rc<Student> = Rc::new(Student::new(1002, "Max Verstappen", 25, 19));
    let st_top: Rc<Student> = Rc::clone(&st_total);

    let st_total: Rc<Student> = Rc::new(Student::new(1003, "Checo Perez", 31, 18));
    let st_top: Rc<Student> = Rc::clone(&st_total);

    let st_total: Rc<Student> = Rc::new(Student::new(1004, "Marcus Mazepin", 22, 9));

    ac(&mut vec_total);

    println!("TOTAL PA={}", pa(&vec_total));
    println!("TOTAL PH={}", ph(&vec_total));

    println!("TOP   PA={}", pa(&vec_top));
    println!("TOP   PH={}", ph(&vec_top));

Now the ac() function works as expected, since it is transfered into the Rc object.


A limitation with Rc references is that the underlying objects are immutable. Following our example, now we want to "improve" the scores lower than 14 using Rc. For this situation we want to "force" a mutable borrow from an immutable reference: this is accomplished by the RefCell type (and its partner Cell.) Our vector will store elements of type Rc<RefCell<Student>>:

let mut vec_total: Vec<Rc<RefCell<Student>>>;

In order to simplify the code, we’ll create an alias for this type:

type V = Vec<Rc<RefCell<Student>>>;

Our new program follows:

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

pub struct Student {
    id: u32,
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    score: u8,

impl Student {
    fn new(id: u32, name: &str, age: u8, score: u8) -> Student {
        Student {
            id: id,
            name: String::from(name),
            age: age,
            score: score,

type V = Vec<Rc<RefCell<Student>>>;

fn improve(data: &V) {
    for st in data.iter() {
        let mut refer = st.borrow_mut();
        if refer.score < 14 {
            refer.score = refer.score + 1;

fn pa(data: &V) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for st in data.iter() {
        total = total + f64::from(st.borrow().score);
    let n = data.len() as f64;
    (total / n).round() as u8

fn ph(data: &V) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for st in data.iter() {
        total = total + 1.0 / f64::from(st.borrow().score);
    let n = data.len() as f64;
    (n / total).round() as u8

fn ac(vec_total: &mut V) {
    let st = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Student::new(1001, "Andres Calamaro", 50, 12)));

fn main() {
    let mut vec_total: V = Vec::new();
    let mut vec_top: V = Vec::new();
    let st_total = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Student::new(1001, "Mike Schumacher", 21, 17)));
    let st_top = Rc::clone(&st_total);

    let st_total = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Student::new(1002, "Max Verstappen", 25, 19)));
    let st_top = Rc::clone(&st_total);

    let st_total = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Student::new(1003, "Checo Perez", 31, 18)));
    let st_top = Rc::clone(&st_total);

    let st_total = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Student::new(1004, "Marcus Mazepin", 22, 9)));

    ac(&mut vec_total);

    println!("TOTAL PA={}", pa(&vec_total));
    println!("TOTAL PH={}", ph(&vec_total));

    println!("TOP   PA={}", pa(&vec_top));
    println!("TOP   PH={}", ph(&vec_top));

The key line is in the improve() function:

let mut refer = st.borrow_mut();

Here we are calling the borrow_mut() obtaining a mutable reference (of RefMut type.) It allows the modification of the underlying object as desired.

An direct generalization is to allow the cell to contain a trait object. The following partial listing shows the required changes in order to support the type V = Vec<Rc<RefCell<dyn MayImprove>>>:

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

pub struct Student {
    id: u32,
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    score: u8,

impl Student {
    fn new(id: u32, name: &str, age: u8, score: u8) -> Student {
        Student {
            id: id,
            name: String::from(name),
            age: age,
            score: score,

type V = Vec<Rc<RefCell<dyn MayImprove>>>;

trait MayImprove {
    fn get_name(&self) -> &String;
    fn get_score(&self) -> u8;
    fn improve(&mut self);

impl MayImprove for Student {
    fn get_name(&self) -> &String {
    fn get_score(&self) -> u8 {
    fn improve(&mut self) {
        if self.score < 14 {
            self.score = self.score + 1;

fn improve(data: &V) {
    for st in data.iter() {
        let mut refer = st.borrow_mut();

Storing function pointers

A struct may "function pointers" as a way to implement dynamic dispatching. For example, the following program implements a "machine" in charge of the calculation of the class average, where the scores are dynamically added, and the averages are updated in turn:

struct AveragingMachine {
    accumulated: f64,
    counter: u16,

impl AveragingMachine {
    fn add_score(&mut self, score: u8) {
        self.counter = self.counter + 1;
        self.accumulated = self.accumulated + score as f64;
    fn average(&self) -> f64 {
        self.accumulated / self.counter as f64
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            accumulated: 0.0,
            counter: 0,

fn main() {
    let mut machine = AveragingMachine::new();
    println!("Current average: {}", machine.average());
    println!("New average: {}", machine.average());

Let’s leverage and generalize this "machine" in order to process harmonic averages. Recalling the introduction of this text, the harmonic average may be defined as an arithmetic average of the inverse of the quantities, but with an additional inversion at the end:

PH = 1 / [ (1/a + 1/b + ...)/n ] = 1 / PA{1/x}

So, in order to calculate the harmonic average by leveraging the arithmetic average algorithm, we may consider the "pre-processing" of the elements to be accumulated; in terms of an anonymous function:

|x| 1 / x

Also, the answer needs a final "post-processing", which may be expressed with exactly the same previous anonymous function.

Note that the arithmetic average may be calculated as always by providing identity functions:

struct AveragingMachine {
    accumulated: f64,
    counter: u16,
    pre_adder: fn(u8) -> f64,
    post_answer: fn(f64) -> f64,

impl AveragingMachine {
    fn add_score(&mut self, score: u8) {
        self.counter = self.counter + 1;
        self.accumulated = self.accumulated + (self.pre_adder)(score);
    fn average(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.post_answer)(self.accumulated / self.counter as f64)
    fn new(pre_adder: fn(u8) -> f64, post_answer: fn(f64) -> f64) -> Self {
        Self {
            accumulated: 0.0,
            counter: 0,
            pre_adder: pre_adder,
            post_answer: post_answer,

fn main() {
    let mut machine = AveragingMachine::new(|x| x as f64, |x| x);
    println!("Current average: {}", machine.average());
    println!("New average: {}", machine.average());

Now, the harmonic average is calculated by modifying the anonymous functions:

// same as above

fn main() {
    let mut machine_harmonic = AveragingMachine::new(|x| 1.0 / x as f64, |x| 1.0 / x);
    println!("Current average: {}", machine_harmonic.average());
    println!("New average: {}", machine_harmonic.average());

Finally, the quadratic average, more known as "root mean square" is defined by:

RMS = SQRT[ (a^2 + b^2 + ...)/n ]

Again, only the anonymous functions need to be updated:

// same as above

fn main() {
    let mut machine_rms = AveragingMachine::new(|x| (x as f64) * (x as f64), |x| f64::sqrt(x));
    println!("Current average: {}", machine_rms.average());
    println!("New average: {}", machine_rms.average());

In the previous examples we avoided calling the anonymous functions as "closures", since they indeed do not "close" over any other variable. When a real closure is needed, then the traits Fn, FnMut and FnOnce are employed:

struct AveragingMachine<T, S>
    T: Fn(u8) -> f64,
    S: Fn(f64) -> f64,
    accumulated: f64,
    counter: u16,
    pre_adder: T,
    post_answer: S,

impl<T, S> AveragingMachine<T, S>
    T: Fn(u8) -> f64,
    S: Fn(f64) -> f64,
    fn add_score(&mut self, score: u8) {
        self.counter = self.counter + 1;
        self.accumulated = self.accumulated + (self.pre_adder)(score);
    fn average(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.post_answer)(self.accumulated / self.counter as f64)
    fn new(pre_adder: T, post_answer: S) -> Self {
        Self {
            accumulated: 0.0,
            counter: 0,
            pre_adder: pre_adder,
            post_answer: post_answer,

fn main() {
    let n = 2;
    let mut machine_pow =
        AveragingMachine::new(|x| (x as f64).powf(n as f64), |x| x.powf(1.0 / n as f64));
    println!("Current average: {}", machine_pow.average());
    println!("New average: {}", machine_pow.average());

Firing threads

Everywhere you may find interesting information about the usefulness of threads. The Rust Programming Language provides details about the threading tradeoffs faced by the Rust creators: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch16-01-threads.html and some basic examples may be find here: https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/std_misc/threads.html .

Threads are started by providing a no-arguments closure to the std::thread::spawn() function. This method returns a "join handle" useful to await for the thread termination, and also (if needed) get a return value from it, corresponding to the passed closure return value.

Following our theme, we will try to calculate averages for students. Now we have several school classes, each with some number of students, and we want the total averages for the complete school. The averages will be calculated by combining the "weighted" averages for each class. The following program uses the random student data generator from previous examples, and calculates the total averages without employing threads:

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

pub struct SchoolScore {
    driver: String,
    score: i32,

fn build_record<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, fnames: &[&str], lnames: &[&str]) -> SchoolScore {
    let idx_fname = rng.gen_range(0, fnames.len());
    let idx_lname = rng.gen_range(0, lnames.len());
    let mut driver = String::new();
    driver.push_str(" ");
    let score = rng.gen_range(1, 21);
    SchoolScore { driver, score }

fn pa(records: &[SchoolScore]) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for rec in records.iter() {
        total = total + f64::from(rec.score);
    let n = records.len() as f64;
    (total / n).round() as u8

fn ph(records: &[SchoolScore]) -> u8 {
    let mut total: f64 = 0.0;
    for rec in records.iter() {
        total = total + 1.0 / f64::from(rec.score);
    let n = records.len() as f64;
    (n / total).round() as u8

fn main() {
    let fnames = [
    let lnames = [
    let nclasses = 8;
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    let mut records: Vec<Vec<SchoolScore>> = Vec::new();
    for _ in 0..nclasses {
        let nitems = rndgen.gen_range(5, 12);
        let mut claz: Vec<SchoolScore> = Vec::new();
        for _ in 0..nitems {
            let rec = build_record(&mut rndgen, &fnames, &lnames);
    // find the averages
    let mut results_vector: Vec<(usize, u8, u8)> = Vec::new();
    for subvec in records.iter() {
        let result = (subvec.len(), pa(subvec), ph(subvec));
    let mut pa_sum: f64 = 0.0;
    let mut ph_sum: f64 = 0.0;
    let mut nsum: f64 = 0.0;
    for (n, pa_val, ph_val) in results_vector {
        let nf: f64 = f64::from(n as u32);
        pa_sum = pa_sum + f64::from(pa_val) * nf;
        ph_sum = ph_sum + nf / f64::from(ph_val);
        nsum = nsum + nf;
    println!("TOTAL PA={}, PH={}", pa_sum / nsum, nsum / ph_sum);

Now we want to make each class' average calculation in an independent thread, and later proceed to combine those averages in the main thread to get the final response. A first attempt may include the following code, note that the thread result will be captured in a vector containing the thread::JoinHandle<T> type:

    // find the averages
    let mut join_vector: Vec<thread::JoinHandle<(usize, u8, u8)>> = Vec::new();
    for subvec in records.iter() {
        let jh = thread::spawn(|| (subvec.len(), pa(subvec), ph(subvec)));

But this does not compile; here we show an extract from the compiler error messages:

error[E0597]: `records` does not live long enough
  --> src/bin/p0905.rs:79:19
79 |     for subvec in records.iter() {
   |                   ^^^^^^^-------
   |                   |
   |                   borrowed value does not live long enough
   |                   argument requires that `records` is borrowed for `'static`
94 | }
   | - `records` dropped here while still borrowed

The problem is the variable records, which is discarded when the main function terminates: the threads are using references to it (captured from records.iter()) and may try to employ them even after main does finalize. Rust alerts us that records "does not live long enough", and suggest a 'static lifetime which here is not a good advice.

Moving the vector

Now we have a solution which does compile (we show only the final section):

use std::thread;
    // find the averages
    let mut join_vector = Vec::new();
    for subvec in records {
        let jh = thread::spawn(move || (subvec.len(), pa(&subvec), ph(&subvec)));
    let mut pa_sum: f64 = 0.0;
    let mut ph_sum: f64 = 0.0;
    let mut nsum: f64 = 0.0;
    for child in join_vector {
        let (n, pa_val, ph_val) = child.join().unwrap();
        let nf: f64 = f64::from(n as u32);
        pa_sum = pa_sum + f64::from(pa_val) * nf;
        ph_sum = ph_sum + nf / f64::from(ph_val);
        nsum = nsum + nf;
    println!("TOTAL PA={}, PH={}", pa_sum / nsum, nsum / ph_sum);

Here we applied two concepts. First, the iteration did not employ in records.iter() but in records.into_iter() which in Rust may be abbreviated simply as in records. That means that the records vector is moved into the iteration, so nothing remains to be dropped at the end of main():

for subvec in records { ... }

The second concept is new: the closure is now a "move" closure, obviously distinguished by the move keyword before the parameter list. In this case the referenced variables will forcibly be "moved" into the closure, so the "subvectors" will not be caually removed before the closure execution finishes. Note that subvec is a vector object (not a reference to it), so we provide &subvec for pa() and ph():

move || (subvec.len(), pa(&subvec), ph(&subvec))

Reference counting

As shown above, the "move closures" capture the vector; sometimes this is undesirable (for example, the vector may be needed for further processing); since plain references don’t work because of unfulfilled lifetimes, reference counting may provide the solution. Before we’ve seen the Rc type which is indicated for single-threaded code; for multithreading reference counting Rust provides the Arc type. The following solution employs Arc references:

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
    // find the averages
    let mut join_vector = Vec::new();
    let wrecords: Arc<_> = Arc::new(records);
    for i in 0..wrecords.len() {
        let records_clone = Arc::clone(&wrecords);
        let jh = thread::spawn(move || {
            let subvec = records_clone.get(i).unwrap();
            (subvec.len(), pa(subvec), ph(subvec))

Now the records_clone variable is moved into the closure, and the internal counter avoids the problematic deletion of the object at the end of main().

Mutable data: Mutex

Our next goal is to allow the threads to "promote" (increase low scores) in the vectors before calculating the averages. This calls for an exclusive access to the vector and mutable references. The usual solution involves the combination of Arc<Mutex<T>>:

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::thread;

fn promote(records: &mut [SchoolScore]) {
    for rec in records.iter_mut() {
        if rec.score < 14 {
            rec.score = 14;
    // find the averages
    let mut join_vector = Vec::new();
    let rlen = records.len();
    let wrecords: Arc<Mutex<_>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(records));
    for i in 0..rlen {
        let wrec_clone = Arc::clone(&wrecords);
        let jh = thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut vec = wrec_clone.lock().unwrap();
            let subvec = vec.get_mut(i).unwrap();
            (subvec.len(), pa(subvec), ph(subvec))

The promote() function does require a mutable slice reference in order to modify the scores. The key lines are:

    let mut vec = wrec_clone.lock().unwrap();
    let subvec = vec.get_mut(i).unwrap();

The lock() method ensures that only one thread at a time executes this section. From its documentation: "This function will block the local thread until it is available to acquire the mutex. Upon returning, the thread is the only thread with the lock held."

Then we get a mutable reference the i-th school class vector, suitable to call promote().

Using "mpsc" channels

The mpsc (multi-producer, single-consumer) module provide a mechanism for message (object) exchange between threads. The channel() function provides for asynchronously sending messages from multiple threads (Sender trait), while a single receptor (Receiver trait) collect those messages. There is an internal unlimited buffer for the messages pending to be read. The following example is a evolution from the first working example of this section; here we collect the messages from a channel, while the previous version used the threads' "return values":

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::thread;
    // find the averages
    let (tx, rx) = channel();
    for subvec in records {
        let tx = tx.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let ans = (subvec.len(), pa(&subvec), ph(&subvec));
    let mut pa_sum: f64 = 0.0;
    let mut ph_sum: f64 = 0.0;
    let mut nsum: f64 = 0.0;
    for _ in 0..nclasses {
        let (n, pa_val, ph_val) = rx.recv().unwrap();
        let nf: f64 = f64::from(n as u32);
        pa_sum = pa_sum + f64::from(pa_val) * nf;
        ph_sum = ph_sum + nf / f64::from(ph_val);
        nsum = nsum + nf;
    println!("TOTAL PA={}, PH={}", pa_sum / nsum, nsum / ph_sum);

As shown, the "transmiter" part of the channel is cloned as needed, while the receptor is a single instance. While the transmision is asynchronous, the reception blocks with the recv() method. There is also the try_recv() for non blocking reception attempts, and recv_timeout() for timeout control.

More Examples

Some "interesting" examples to review the concepts.

Calculating PI by brute force

Consider the "increasing" set A={1, -3, 5, -7, 9, -11, …​} and its number of elements n(A). Then we have an approximation for PI as 4*n(A)/PH(A) which improves as the number of terms go to infinite.

This is one of the simplest (but rather unperformant) methods for the calculation of the mathematical constant PI, also known as the Leibniz formula:

PI = 4 * (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 ...)

It’s very easy to write a program to implement the Leibniz formula; in this section we are interested in the time required to achieve a high precision PI approximation with it.

Basic solution

The following implementation shows the approximated number of steps required by the Leibniz formula to approximate PI up to 10^-9:

fn main() {
    let mut n: u64 = 0;
    let mut den: f64 = 1.0;
    let mut sum: f64 = 0.0;
    let pi4 = std::f64::consts::PI / 4.0;
    loop {
        sum = sum + 1.0 / den;
        n = n + 1;
        if den > 0.0 {
            den = -(den + 2.0);
        } else {
            den = -(den - 2.0);
        if f64::abs(pi4 - sum) < 1.0e-9 {
    println!("Steps: {}", n);

The unoptimized result:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo build
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 19.31s
diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ time target/debug/p5010
Steps: 250036592

real    0m3.102s
user    0m3.022s
sys     0m0.021s

Now we try with a "release" version, and the time is reduced in about 30%:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ cargo build --release
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 32.47s
diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ time target/release/p5010
Steps: 249963605

real    0m1.955s
user    0m1.954s
sys     0m0.000s

Native CPU model

Now we’ll build a version specific for the cpu where the Rust compiler is running: the executable may not be able to work in a different CPU model:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release
   Compiling xtut v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/xtut)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 35.06s
diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ time target/release/p5010
Steps: 250036592

real    0m1.046s
user    0m1.039s
sys     0m0.001s

Again we reduced the time to its half. Please note that the time reduction depends strongly on the CPU model.

Using SIMD extensions

The following version employs the module core::arch::x86_64 which provides access to Intel/AMD intrinsics for CPUs of 64 bits in the x86 family. We’ll try to leverage the potential parallellism in the Leibniz formula by computing four terms at the same time: this is achieved by the SIMD operations provided by the 256-bits YMM* registers introduced in the AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions) extension around 2011.

Please see https://rust-lang.github.io/packed_simd/perf-guide/target-feature/rustflags.html for more information regarding SIMD optimizations in Rust.

For example, the _mm256_div_pd() function will use the corresponding Intel intrinsic to simultaneously divide the corresponding four double precision values stored in two 256-bits registers:

#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
use std::arch::x86_64::*;

struct Buf {
    darray: [f64; 4],

fn main() {
    let mut n: u64 = 0;
    let mut sum: f64 = 0.0;
    let pi4 = std::f64::consts::PI / 4.0;
    unsafe {
        let mut dens = _mm256_set_pd(1.0f64, -3.0f64, 5.0f64, -7.0f64);
        let adder = _mm256_set_pd(8.0f64, -8.0f64, 8.0f64, -8.0f64);
        let ones = _mm256_set1_pd(1.0f64);
        let mut buf = Buf { darray: [0.0; 4] };
        let data_ptr: *mut f64 = &mut buf.darray[0] as *mut f64;
        loop {
            let quotients = _mm256_div_pd(ones, dens);
            _mm256_store_pd(data_ptr, quotients);
            sum = sum + buf.darray[0] + buf.darray[1] + buf.darray[2] + buf.darray[3];
            dens = _mm256_add_pd(dens, adder);
            n = n + 1;
            if f64::abs(pi4 - sum) < 1.0e-9 {
    println!("Steps: {}", 4 * n);

To instruct the compiler to employ the AVX optimizations, we provide the "avx feature":

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+avx" cargo build --release
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.02s
diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ time target/release/p5020
Steps: 250036408

real    0m0.415s
user    0m0.410s
sys     0m0.005s

The time improved dramatically as compared to the previous version. Note that we collect the added terms in an array buffer:

    _mm256_store_pd(data_ptr, quotients);
    sum = sum + buf.darray[0] + buf.darray[1] + buf.darray[2] + buf.darray[3];

This example illustrates the usage of a "raw pointer", pointing to the first element of the darray array:

    let mut buf = Buf { darray: [0.0; 4] };
    let data_ptr: *mut f64 = &mut buf.darray[0] as *mut f64;

The array is defined as a member of the Buf structure. This was done in order to satisfy the 32-bytes memory alignment requirement of the _mm256_store_pd() intrinsic:

    struct Buf {
        darray: [f64; 4],

The following version (hopefully) avoids the usage of the memory buffer, which a further time improvement:

#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
use std::arch::x86_64::*;

fn main() {
    let mut n: u64 = 0;
    let pi4 = std::f64::consts::PI / 4.0;
    unsafe {
        let mut dens = _mm256_set_pd(1.0f64, -3.0f64, 5.0f64, -7.0f64);
        let adder = _mm256_set_pd(8.0f64, -8.0f64, 8.0f64, -8.0f64);
        let ones = _mm256_set1_pd(1.0f64);
        let mut rsum = _mm256_set1_pd(0.0f64);
        let mut quotients: __m256d;
        loop {
            quotients = _mm256_div_pd(ones, dens);
            rsum = _mm256_add_pd(rsum, quotients);
            dens = _mm256_add_pd(dens, adder);
            n = n + 1;
            // https://stackoverflow.com/a/49943540/4876728
            // let vlow = _mm256_castpd256_pd128(quotients);
            let vlow = _mm256_extractf128_pd(rsum, 0);
            let vhigh = _mm256_extractf128_pd(rsum, 1);
            let add_partial = _mm_add_pd(vlow, vhigh);
            let sum = _mm_cvtsd_f64(add_partial)
                + _mm_cvtsd_f64(_mm_unpackhi_pd(add_partial, add_partial));
            if f64::abs(pi4 - sum) < 1.0e-9 {
    println!("Steps: {}", 4 * n);

A test:

Steps: 249807812

real    0m0.357s
user    0m0.353s
sys     0m0.004s
In order to see the generated assembly, the cargo rustc command is in order. The assembly listing may be obtained in the target/release/deps/p5030-<hash>.s file.

A corresponding C version follows:

#include <immintrin.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    long n = 0;
    double pi4 = M_PI / 4.0;
    __m256d dens = _mm256_set_pd(1.0, -3.0, 5.0f, -7.0);
    __m256d adder = _mm256_set_pd(8.0, -8.0, 8.0, -8.0);
    __m256d ones = _mm256_set1_pd(1.0);
    __m256d rsum = _mm256_set1_pd(0.0);
    __m256d quotients;
    for(;;) {
        quotients = _mm256_div_pd(ones, dens);
        rsum = _mm256_add_pd(rsum, quotients);
        dens = _mm256_add_pd(dens, adder);
        n = n + 1;
        if(n & 0xf != 0) {
        // https://stackoverflow.com/a/49943540/4876728
        // let vlow = _mm256_castpd256_pd128(quotients);
        __m128d vlow = _mm256_extractf128_pd(rsum, 0);
        __m128d vhigh = _mm256_extractf128_pd(rsum, 1);
        __m128d add_partial = _mm_add_pd(vlow, vhigh);
        double sum = _mm_cvtsd_f64(add_partial)
            + _mm_cvtsd_f64(_mm_unpackhi_pd(add_partial, add_partial));
        if(fabs(pi4 - sum) < 1.0e-9) {
    printf("Steps: %ld\n", 4 * n);

Which is executed achieving similar times:

diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ gcc -O3 -mavx -o /tmp/p5030-i src/bin/p5030-i.c
diego@dataone:~/devel/RUST/xtut$ time /tmp/p5030-i
Steps: 249807816

real    0m0.355s
user    0m0.354s
sys     0m0.001s

Deterministic Password Generator

This program illustrates an strategy which may be employed in the construction of a password manager. A user has several website accounts:

this user is tired of remembering their passwords. A simple solution is to take note of them in a text file:

  1. name@hotmail.com → password 1

  2. name@yahoo.com → password 2

  3. name@latinmail.com → password 3

  4. name@ebay.com → password 4

but now this file is a single point of risk. One strategy is to store with an encrypted version of the passwords, with the encryption key derived from a single "master password" which is the single piece of the scheme which must be remembered:

  1. name@hotmail.com → ENC(password 1)

  2. name@yahoo.com → ENC(password 2)

  3. name@latinmail.com → ENC(password 3)

  4. name@ebay.com → ENC(password 4)

this method relies in the quality of the encryption algorithm. An attacker with a copy of this file may be able to try a brute force attack from all the included information.

Another strategy is the derivation of the passwords from the account names and the already mentioned "master password", so the file no longer needs to contain passwords nor their encrypted versions: the passwords are always recalculated when needed. A simple method for this derivation is the usage of a hashing function, like:

Derived-password = EXTRAS(SHA512("account id" + "master password"))

the SHA512 function refers to the so-called standard hashing algorithm, and the EXTRAS() is a custom function we will employ to derivate a textual representation including some password policy requirements.

Password policy

The following function will be employed below; it simply checks that a string does contain at least one upper case, one lower case, and one numeric digit:

fn has_all_needed(probe: &str) -> bool {
    probe.chars().any(|cc| cc >= 'A' && cc <= 'Z')
        && probe.chars().any(|cc| cc >= 'a' && cc <= 'z')
        && probe.chars().any(|cc| cc >= '0' && cc <= '9')

Password generation

This is the biggest function in our program. It creates a text string concatenating the "account id" with the "master password", separated by a colon character. The Sha512 struct (from the sha2 crate) is used to generate the SHA-512 value from the mentioned text. It generates a GenericArray object, which in practice may be used as a byte array.

It is provided to base64::encode() which in turn generates a String representation of the binary data using the famous Base64 encoding.

Now, the tactic is to extract substrings (variable probe) from the Base64 String and check if any of them satisfy the previous has_all_needed() function:

for i in 0..max {
        let k = i * PASSWD_LEN;
        let probe = &enc_data[k..(k + PASSWD_LEN)];
        if has_all_needed(probe) {
            return Some(ans);

There is a (very) small probability for all the Base64 substrings not satisfying our has_all_needed() criteria. In that case the function simply returns None.

We also want to insert a symbol in the password. The symbol comes from a char array containing the values !, @, #, $, and %. To "randomly" select one of the these characters, and the insert position in the password for it, we use the last two bytes of the SHA-512 value (scaled to the required range by a modulo operation.)

let rnd1 = result[result.len() - 2] as usize;
let rnd2 = result[result.len() - 1] as usize;
let sym_pos = rnd1 % (password_length - 1);
let sym_val = SYMBOLS[rnd2 % SYMBOLS.len()];

Reading the master password

The password entry should avoid the terminal echo in order to prevent accidental reading by unauthorized people. Disabling the terminal echo is a system-dependent feauture, so here we’ll emply the termion crate, which provides it for Linux environments.

The read_secret() function is in charge of this operation. Please see the termion documentation for more information.

Displaying the generated password

The generated password must be printed in the screen as the final step of the process, so it could be applied in the associated website.

At this stage the password could be read by unauthorized nearby people. In order to minimize the probability of this event, we’ll ask the user to press some key when done with the password, in order to immediatly overwrite it:

Enter account id> diego@latinmail.com
Enter master password>
 - - - press any key when done - - -

After key press:

Enter account id> diego@latinmail.com
Enter master password>
 - - - press any key when done - - -
PASSWORD: ########

The key line includes a "carriage return" character used to replace the password with a series of # characters:

println!("\x0dPASSWORD: {} ", "#".repeat(clear_password.len()));

Now the full program:

use sha2::{Digest, Sha512};
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::Write;
use termion::input::TermRead;
use termion::raw::IntoRawMode;

const SYMBOLS: [char; 5] = ['!', '@', '#', '$', '%'];
const PASSWD_LEN: usize = 8;

fn has_all_needed(probe: &str) -> bool {
    probe.chars().any(|cc| cc >= 'A' && cc <= 'Z')
        && probe.chars().any(|cc| cc >= 'a' && cc <= 'z')
        && probe.chars().any(|cc| cc >= '0' && cc <= '9')

fn build_password(
    account_id: &str,
    master_password: &str,
    password_length: usize,
) -> Option<String> {
    let data = format!("{}:{}", account_id, master_password);
    let mut hasher = Sha512::new();
    let result = hasher.finalize();
    let enc_data = base64::encode(result);
    let rnd1 = result[result.len() - 2] as usize;
    let rnd2 = result[result.len() - 1] as usize;
    let sym_pos = rnd1 % (password_length - 1);
    let sym_val = SYMBOLS[rnd2 % SYMBOLS.len()];
    let max = enc_data.len() / PASSWD_LEN - 1;
    for i in 0..max {
        let k = i * PASSWD_LEN;
        let probe = &enc_data[k..(k + PASSWD_LEN)];
        if has_all_needed(probe) {
            let p1 = &enc_data[k..(k + password_length)];
            let mut ans = String::new();
            ans.push_str(&p1[sym_pos..(password_length - 1)]);
            return Some(ans);

fn read_secret(prompt: &str) -> String {
    print!("{}", prompt);
    let stdout = std::io::stdout();
    let mut stdout = stdout.lock();
    let stdin = std::io::stdin();
    let mut stdin = stdin.lock();
    let pass = stdin.read_passwd(&mut stdout);
    if let Ok(Some(pass)) = pass {
        return pass.trim().to_string();
    panic!("Error extracting user input");

fn wait_for_key() {
    let stdout = std::io::stdout();
    let mut stdout = stdout.lock().into_raw_mode().unwrap();
    let mut stdin = std::io::stdin().bytes();

fn read_string(prompt: &str) -> String {
    print!("{}", prompt);
    let mut line = String::new();
        .read_line(&mut line)
        .expect("Error extracting user input");

fn show_password(clear_password: &str) {
    println!(" - - - press any key when done - - -");
    print!("PASSWORD: {} ", clear_password);
    println!("\x0dPASSWORD: {} ", "#".repeat(clear_password.len()));

fn main() {
    let account_id = read_string("Enter account id> ");
    let master_password = read_secret("Enter master password> ");
    match build_password(&account_id, &master_password, PASSWD_LEN) {
        Some(clear_password) => show_password(&clear_password),
        None => println!("Sorry, could not generate password"),
For the reader:
  1. The master password should be asked at least twice, since any typing error would be (by definition) undetected.

  2. Make different password requirements: only digits, only letters, etc.

  3. The password "probes" of our program may be too weak, even containing letters and digits. Use the zxcvbn crate to include a stronger validation.

  4. For better security, we may give a timeout of 60 seconds for the password show:

fn wait_for_key() {
    let mut counter: u64 = 0;
    let stdout = std::io::stdout();
    let mut stdout = stdout.lock().into_raw_mode().unwrap();
    let mut stdin = termion::async_stdin().bytes();
    loop {
        let b = stdin.next();
        if let Some(Ok(_)) = b {
        counter = counter + 1;
        if counter > 60 * 100 {

National students scores

The goverment anually applies a national standard test in all the schools of the country. The total (arithmetic) average must be calculated in order to assess the educational policy.

Since the number of samples is pretty big, the goverment is interested in partial averages as the samples are collected. So, the averages will be calculated several (many) times as the samples are reported from the schools.

In order to provide a timely average, our program needs to store just two (mutable) values: the total sum of all the collected scores, and the number of collected scores. Both values will be updated as new scores are reported, so the new average may be calculated:

Average(n) = TOTAL(up to n) / n

* Got new Score(n+1) *

TOTAL(up to n+1) = TOTAL(up to n) + Score(n+1)

Average(n+1) = TOTAL(up to n+1) / ( n+1 )

The next program is a trivial one, where only one operator is in charge of entering all the scores of the nation. Note that several scores may be entered at once, reflecting the fact that the schools report scores in batches:

use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

fn read_string(prompt: &str) -> Option<String> {
    print!("{}", prompt);
    let mut line = String::new();
    match io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) {
        Ok(_) => Some(line.trim().to_string()),
        Err(_) => {
            println!("Error extracting user input");

fn read_numbers(prompt: &str) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
    let snumbers = read_string(prompt);
    let line = match snumbers {
        None => return None,
        Some(line) => line,
    if line.is_empty() {
        return None;
    let str_vec: Vec<&str> = line.split(',').map(|x| x.trim()).collect();
    let mut ans: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    let mut counter: usize = 1;
    for v in str_vec.iter() {
        let val: u8 = match v.parse() {
            Ok(x) => x,
            Err(_) => {
                println!("Parse error at element 1-position {}", counter);
                return None;
        if val > 20 {
            println!("Overflow at element 1-position {}", counter);
            return None;
        counter += 1;

struct TheAverage {
    samples: usize,
    average: Option<f32>,

fn display(avg: &TheAverage) {
    match avg.average {
        None => {
            println!("There are no samples yet!");
        Some(x) => {
            println!("Current average is {} from {} samples", x, avg.samples);

fn main() {
    let mut n_total: usize = 0;
    let mut s_total: u64 = 0;
    loop {
        let average: TheAverage;
        if n_total == 0 {
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: 0,
                average: None,
        } else {
            let num = s_total as f64;
            let den = n_total as f64;
            let q = num / den;
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: n_total,
                average: Some(q as f32),
        let more_scores = read_numbers("Enter scores separated by commas> ");
        if let Some(scores) = more_scores {
            n_total += scores.len();
            scores.iter().for_each(|&score| s_total += score as u64);

A sample run:

$ cargo run --bin p7010
   Compiling p70 v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/tutorial21/p70)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.68s
     Running `/home/diego/devel/RUST/tutorial21/p70/target/debug/p7010`
There are no samples yet!
Enter scores separated by commas> 12
Current average is 12 from 1 samples
Enter scores separated by commas> 13,17
Current average is 14 from 3 samples
Enter scores separated by commas> 11,45
Overflow at element 1-position 2
Current average is 14 from 3 samples
Enter scores separated by commas> 18
Current average is 15 from 4 samples
Enter scores separated by commas> 18
Current average is 15.6 from 5 samples
Enter scores separated by commas>

Many data-entry operators

Since the number of scores to be entered is big, the goverment hires many operators for data-entry. The developer in charge considers splitting the previous program in a data-entry executable (to be run in several terminal stations by every contracted operator), and a "displaying" executable which collects the data from the stations.

So, we now have two programs, where one of them will be executed several times at once. Their output must be transfered to the former for further processing.

As this developer is a bit old-fashioned, he considers a data transfer by disk files. All the operators will be logged in a single computer, and all the running programs (operating system processes) will share a disk directory where the data-entry programs will write the collected scores. The "displaying" program will read these files and then remove them (to avoid re-processing the same scores.)

Here the new data-entry program:

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::fs::File;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
fn new_data_file<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> File {
    let random: u64 = rng.gen_range(100000, 1000000);
    let filename = format!("/tmp/{}.scores", random);
    println!("Creating scores file at {}", filename);
        .expect("Failed to create scores file")

fn main() {
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    loop {
        let more_scores = read_numbers("Enter scores separated by commas> ");
        if let Some(scores) = more_scores {
            let mut file = new_data_file(&mut rndgen);
            let mut first = true;
            for score in scores {
                if first {
                    write!(&mut file, "{}", score).unwrap();
                    first = false;
                } else {
                    write!(&mut file, ",{}", score).unwrap();

For simplicity, all the "scoring files" will be stored in /tmp using the format #.scores (a numeric random prefix) which will be scanned by the "displaying" program. A sample run:

$ cargo run --bin p7020
   Compiling p70 v0.1.0 (/home/diego/devel/RUST/tutorial21/p70)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.77s
     Running `/home/diego/devel/RUST/tutorial21/p70/target/debug/p7020`
Enter scores separated by commas> 12,13,16
Creating scores file at /tmp/265818.scores
Enter scores separated by commas> 18,7,19
Creating scores file at /tmp/773157.scores
Enter scores separated by commas> ^C

Note the create_new() method which avoids the overwriting of the files by two operators which by bad luck get to generate the same random number.

Now the displaying program:

use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;

struct TheAverage {
    samples: usize,
    average: Option<f32>,

fn display(avg: &TheAverage) {
    match avg.average {
        None => {
            println!("There are no samples yet!");
        Some(x) => {
            println!("Current average is {} from {} samples", x, avg.samples);

fn read_scores(filename: &str) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
    let line = match fs::read_to_string(filename) {
        Ok(text) => text,
        Err(_) => return None,
    if line.is_empty() {
        return None;
    let str_vec: Vec<&str> = line.split(',').map(|x| x.trim()).collect();
    let mut ans: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    let mut counter: usize = 1;
    for v in str_vec.iter() {
        let val: u8 = match v.parse() {
            Ok(x) => x,
            Err(_) => {
                println!("Parse error at element 1-position {}", counter);
                return None;
        if val > 20 {
            println!("Overflow at element 1-position {}", counter);
            return None;
        counter += 1;

fn scan_directory(path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<String>, &str> {
    let entries = match fs::read_dir(path) {
        Ok(x) => x,
        Err(_) => {
            return Err("Problem reading directory");
    let ans: Vec<String> = entries
        .map(|e| e.unwrap().path().to_str().unwrap().to_string())
        .filter(|x| x.ends_with(".scores"))
    // println!("Scan dir result: {:?}", ans);
fn main() {
    let mut n_total: usize = 0;
    let mut s_total: u64 = 0;
    let one_second = std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000);
    loop {
        let average: TheAverage;
        if n_total == 0 {
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: 0,
                average: None,
        } else {
            let num = s_total as f64;
            let den = n_total as f64;
            let q = num / den;
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: n_total,
                average: Some(q as f32),
        let score_files = match scan_directory(Path::new("/tmp")) {
            Ok(x) => x,
            Err(msg) => {
                println!("Program scanning scores directory: {}", msg);
        for score_file in score_files.iter() {
            if let Some(scores) = read_scores(score_file) {
                n_total += scores.len();
                scores.iter().for_each(|&score| s_total += score as u64);

Economic storage

The old-fashioned developer soon discovers that each score may be stored in a single byte, so he modifies the program in order to employ byte buffers and binary files. The programs get simplified a bit:

fn main() {
    let mut rndgen = thread_rng();
    loop {
        let more_scores = read_numbers("Enter scores separated by commas> ");
        if let Some(scores) = more_scores {
            let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
            for score in scores {
            let mut file = new_data_file(&mut rndgen);


use std::io::Read;
fn read_scores(filename: &str) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
    let mut file = fs::OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(filename).unwrap();
    let mut ans: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    file.read_to_end(&mut ans).ok()?;

For the reader:
  1. There is a race condition in the score-files scheme: the displayer may read a file which was just created but which its contents are not yet written. There are several ways to avoid this situation; for example, an impossible score (like 99) may be added at the end of the data in order to signal comletion; this way the displayer program may skip (for further retry) those files which do not (yet) have their completion mark.

  2. Another option consists in writing the score files in a different directory. For each file, after writing the score information the it is moved to the final directory. The "move" operation usually is an atomic one, provided the involved directories live in the same filesystem.

  3. A third option involves a probabilistic aproach: check the write time of the files and skip those which are "too recent" (by some reasonable measure.)

Unix queues

Our conservative developer wants to upgrade the system to employ Unix kernel queues. There are two flavors of queue interfaces (Posix and System V), but the developer wants to try the nix crate which is a nice wrapper to the most employed Unix system calls; this crate currently only supports the Posix interface.

The "displayer" process will be in charge of creating a queue (identified by the path /scores), while the data-entry processes will die if can’t access it.

Let’s start with the data-entry program:

use nix::mqueue;
use nix::mqueue::MQ_OFlag;
use nix::sys::stat::Mode;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
fn main() {
    let qpath = CString::new("/scores").unwrap();
    let queue_id = mqueue::mq_open(&qpath, MQ_OFlag::O_WRONLY, Mode::empty(), None)
        .expect("Can't access system queue - check displayer");
    loop {
        let more_scores = read_numbers("Enter scores separated by commas> ");
        if let Some(scores) = more_scores {
            let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
            for score in scores {
            mqueue::mq_send(queue_id, &buffer, 0)
                .expect("Can't write in system queue - check displayer");

The queue creation currently requires the specification of some attributes for mq_open provided in the MqAttr structure. For Linux, please see the mq_overview man page for pointers about the limits in the queue which are related to the MqAttr attributes.

use nix::mqueue;
use nix::mqueue::{MQ_OFlag, MqAttr};
use nix::sys::stat::Mode;
use std::ffi::CString;
fn main() {
    let qpath = CString::new("/scores").unwrap();
    let flags = MQ_OFlag::from_bits(
        MQ_OFlag::O_RDONLY.bits() | MQ_OFlag::O_CREAT.bits() | MQ_OFlag::O_NONBLOCK.bits(),
    let mode = Mode::from_bits(0o600).unwrap();
    let attrs = MqAttr::new(0, 5, 8192, 0);
    let queue_id = mqueue::mq_open(&qpath, flags, mode, Some(&attrs))
        .expect("Can't access system queue - check displayer");
    let mut read_buffer = [0u8; 8192];
    let mut n_total: usize = 0;
    let mut s_total: u64 = 0;
    let one_second = std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000);
    loop {
        let average: TheAverage;
        if n_total == 0 {
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: 0,
                average: None,
        } else {
            let num = s_total as f64;
            let den = n_total as f64;
            let q = num / den;
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: n_total,
                average: Some(q as f32),
        loop {
            let mut pri = 0u32;
            match mqueue::mq_receive(queue_id, &mut read_buffer, &mut pri) {
                Ok(n) => {
                    n_total += n;
                    for z in 0..n {
                        s_total += read_buffer[z] as u64;
                Err(_) => {

More Unix queues

The nix create is a convenient wrapper around the libc library which in several systems (like Linux) provides access to the kernel system calls. Here we want to employ the traditional "System V" IPC queues, which are (currently) not provided by nix, so we’ll use the libc crate. To this effect we’ll specify the create in Cargo.toml:

libc = "0.2.98"

Here the data-entry program:

use libc::c_long;
use libc::c_void;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
const MSGKEY: i32 = 0x4415512;

struct Msgbuf {
    mtype: c_long,
    mtext: [u8; 1024],

fn main() {
    let msgid = unsafe { libc::msgget(MSGKEY, 0) };
    if msgid == -1 {
        panic!("Can't access queue with key {}", MSGKEY);
    loop {
        let more_scores = read_numbers("Enter scores separated by commas> ");
        if let Some(scores) = more_scores {
            let mut msgbuf = Msgbuf {
                mtype: 1,
                mtext: [0u8; 1024],
            for i in 0..scores.len() {
                msgbuf.mtext[i] = scores[i];
            let res = unsafe {
                    &msgbuf as *const Msgbuf as *const c_void,
            if res != 0 {
                panic!("Can't write in system queue - check displayer");

The System V IPC relies in numeric key constants which are used by the programs which inter-communicate. Here we employ an arbitrary constant 0x4415512 in order to access the queue with libc::msgget(). Note that the libc functions are considered unsafe code, so must be enclosed in such blocks.

The libc::msgget() function is documented in the Unix' msgget man page (type something like man msgget in order to read it.) Same for any libc function.

The program sends messages into the queue with the libc::msgsnd() function, whose arguments are the "queue descriptor" returned by libc::msgget(), a pointer to a C-language structure, the length of the contained data (in bytes), and optional flags (here zero.)

The mentioned structure is composed of two members: a numeric "message type" of C-type "long" (corresponding to the libc::c_long type), and a raw buffer of arbitrary size (with system defined limits.) We mimic this structure with struct Msgbuf.

When sending the message, the libc::msgsnd() function does require a const pointer to the structure; this is achieved by taking a reference of our structure value &msgbuf which is converted to a const pointer: &msgbuf as *const Msgbuf, then converted to a C-language void pointer: &msgbuf as *const Msgbuf as *const c_void.

The displayer now:

use libc::c_long;
use libc::c_void;
const MSGKEY: i32 = 0x4415512;

struct Msgbuf {
    mtype: c_long,
    mtext: [u8; 1024],

fn main() {
    let msgid = unsafe { libc::msgget(MSGKEY, libc::IPC_CREAT | 0o600) };
    if msgid == -1 {
        panic!("Can't create queue with key {}", MSGKEY);
    let mut msgbuf = Msgbuf {
        mtype: 1,
        mtext: [0u8; 1024],
    let mut n_total: usize = 0;
    let mut s_total: u64 = 0;
    let one_second = std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000);
    loop {
        let average: TheAverage;
        if n_total == 0 {
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: 0,
                average: None,
        } else {
            let num = s_total as f64;
            let den = n_total as f64;
            let q = num / den;
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: n_total,
                average: Some(q as f32),
        loop {
            let mtype = 0i64;
            let mflgs = libc::IPC_NOWAIT;
            let res = unsafe {
                    &mut msgbuf as *mut Msgbuf as *mut c_void,
            if res == -1 {
            let ures = res as usize;
            n_total += ures;
            for z in 0..ures {
                s_total += msgbuf.mtext[z] as u64;

The displayer is in charge of creating the queue, so we provide libc::IPC_CREAT for libc::msgget(); also providing Unix access mode 0600 (user read/write.)

The reception is done with libc::msgrcv() which requires a non-constant (mutable) pointer to the Msgbuf structure; here the corresponding expression is &mut msgbuf as *mut Msgbuf as *mut c_void.

The reception is done in non-blocking way (libc::IPC_NOWAIT) without message type discrimination (let mtype = 0i64.) Please consult additional details in the manual page for msgsnd() and msgrcv().

TCP Sockets

Our aging developer is admonished because the obvious limitations of his centralized solution, so he devises the introduction of plain TCP sockets in order to allow the remote connection from several data-entry stations in the country.

The data-entry program will work as a TCP client which tries to connect to the displayer program (which acts as TCP server.)

use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
use std::net::TcpStream;
fn main() {
    let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("").expect("Can't connect to server");
    loop {
        let more_scores = read_numbers("Enter scores separated by commas> ");
        if let Some(scores) = more_scores {
            if scores.len() > 65000 {
                println!("Too many values!");
            if scores.len() == 0 {
            let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
            let hi = scores.len() / 256;
            let lo = scores.len() % 256;
            buffer.push(hi as u8);
            buffer.push(lo as u8);
            for score in scores {
            let total = buffer.len();
            let mut written = 0;
            while written < total {
                written += stream
                    .expect("Can't write to socket - check displayer");
                .expect("Can't flush socket - check displayer");

Note that messages are being prefixed with the data-length encoded as two bytes (hi+low), which imposes a limit of 66535 bytes.

For our server we’ll implement a classic multithreaded TCP server which accepts inbound connections on a server socket (see the accepter() function) and spawns a processing thread (the net_reader() function.)

From each thread, each packet is used to build a vector of bytes, which in turn is sent into a channel.

The main thread simply collects the pending messages from the channel’s receiving end, and updates the counters.

use std::io::Read;
use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use std::thread;

struct TheAverage {
    samples: usize,
    average: Option<f32>,

fn display(avg: &TheAverage) {
    match avg.average {
        None => {
            println!("There are no samples yet!");
        Some(x) => {
            println!("Current average is {} from {} samples", x, avg.samples);

fn net_reader(mut stream: TcpStream, tx: Sender<Vec<u8>>) {
    let mut read_buffer = [0u8; 65536];
    let mut on_header = true;
    let mut target = 2;
    let mut offset = 0;
    loop {
        match stream.read(&mut read_buffer[offset..target]) {
            Ok(n) => {
                if n == 0 {
                    // client closed, so the thread terminates
                    println!("Closed connection from {}", stream.peer_addr().unwrap());
                offset += n;
                if offset == target {
                    if on_header {
                        // done with the header
                        let hi = read_buffer[0] as usize;
                        let lo = read_buffer[1] as usize;
                        target = hi * 256 + lo;
                        offset = 0;
                        on_header = false;
                    } else {
                        // done with the data
                        let data: Vec<u8> = Vec::from(&read_buffer[0..target]);
                        target = 2;
                        offset = 0;
                        on_header = true;
            Err(_) => {
                // client closed, so the thread terminates
                println!("Error in connection from {}", stream.peer_addr().unwrap());

fn accepter(listener: TcpListener, tx: Sender<Vec<u8>>) {
    for stream in listener.incoming() {
        let t_tx = tx.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let stream = stream.unwrap();
            println!("Accepted connection from {}", stream.peer_addr().unwrap());
            net_reader(stream, t_tx);

fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").expect("Can't bind server socket");
    let (tx, rx) = channel();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        accepter(listener, tx);
    let mut n_total: usize = 0;
    let mut s_total: u64 = 0;
    let one_second = std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000);
    loop {
        let average: TheAverage;
        if n_total == 0 {
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: 0,
                average: None,
        } else {
            let num = s_total as f64;
            let den = n_total as f64;
            let q = num / den;
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: n_total,
                average: Some(q as f32),
        for data in rx.try_iter() {
            let n = data.len();
            n_total += n;
            data.iter().for_each(|&score| s_total += score as u64);

UDP Sockets

The developer looks for improvements in the network response time since some remotely located data-entry operators reported a sluggish behavior of the program.

As an experiment, a rewrite of the network code using UDP datagrams is tested. The data-entry program follows:

use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
use std::net::UdpSocket;
fn main() {
    let server = "";
    let socket = UdpSocket::bind("").expect("Can't bind local address");
    socket.connect(server).expect("Can't connect to server");
    loop {
        let more_scores = read_numbers("Enter scores separated by commas> ");
        if let Some(scores) = more_scores {
            if scores.len() > 65000 {
                println!("Too many values!");
            if scores.len() == 0 {
                .send_to(&scores, server)
                .expect("Can't write to socket - check displayer");

The best thing is that data headers are no longer needed (UDP handles the message limits.)

A trivial UDP server implementation follows:

use std::net::UdpSocket;

struct TheAverage {
    samples: usize,
    average: Option<f32>,

fn display(avg: &TheAverage) {
    match avg.average {
        None => {
            println!("There are no samples yet!");
        Some(x) => {
            println!("Current average is {} from {} samples", x, avg.samples);

fn main() {
    let server = "";
    let socket = UdpSocket::bind(server).expect("Can't bind local address");
        .expect("Can't set non-blocking mode");
    let mut read_buffer = [0u8; 65536];
    let mut n_total: usize = 0;
    let mut s_total: u64 = 0;
    let one_second = std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000);
    loop {
        let average: TheAverage;
        if n_total == 0 {
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: 0,
                average: None,
        } else {
            let num = s_total as f64;
            let den = n_total as f64;
            let q = num / den;
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: n_total,
                average: Some(q as f32),
        loop {
            if let Ok((n, _addr)) = socket.recv_from(&mut read_buffer) {
                n_total += n;
                    .for_each(|&score| s_total += score as u64);
            } else {

This server is single-threaded. Note that the socket is set in "non-blocking" mode in order to avoid blocking on the recv_from() method.

Its main drawback is that the read from the socket happens only once per second: if the traffic is high, the inbound messages will be enqueued in the kernel buffers. When those buffers get filled, further packets will be discarded until the next read cycle which empties them.

The next server version uses a dedicated thread to read the inbound messages and forwards them into an unbound channel for further processing (similarly to the TCP version previously shown.) Here the socket remains in its default "blocking" mode.

use std::net::UdpSocket;
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use std::thread;

struct TheAverage {
    samples: usize,
    average: Option<f32>,

fn display(avg: &TheAverage) {
    match avg.average {
        None => {
            println!("There are no samples yet!");
        Some(x) => {
            println!("Current average is {} from {} samples", x, avg.samples);

fn net_reader(socket: UdpSocket, tx: Sender<Vec<u8>>) {
    let mut read_buffer = [0u8; 65536];
    loop {
        let (n, _addr) = socket
            .recv_from(&mut read_buffer)
            .expect("Network error receiving information");
        let data: Vec<u8> = Vec::from(&read_buffer[0..n]);

fn main() {
    let server = "";
    let socket = UdpSocket::bind(server).expect("Can't bind local address");
    let (tx, rx) = channel();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        net_reader(socket, tx);
    let mut n_total: usize = 0;
    let mut s_total: u64 = 0;
    let one_second = std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000);
    loop {
        let average: TheAverage;
        if n_total == 0 {
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: 0,
                average: None,
        } else {
            let num = s_total as f64;
            let den = n_total as f64;
            let q = num / den;
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: n_total,
                average: Some(q as f32),
        for data in rx.try_iter() {
            let n = data.len();
            n_total += n;
            data.iter().for_each(|&score| s_total += score as u64);

Sharing state between threads

Our developer notes that the channels must store all the pending messages from the previous second, which may be a resource waste: better to update the counters as soon as each message is received. To this effect he devises a structure for the counters:

struct Counters {
    n_total: usize,
    s_total: u64,

a singleton will be shared by both threads: for updating the counters, and for average calculations. This entails a locking mechanism as provided by a mutex; also, a reference counting smart pointer will be employed for this sharing, so the shared value will have the type:

type MtCounters = Arc<Mutex<Counters>>;

Note that Arc is simmilar to Rc, but is indicated when the references go to different threads. Now the updated program which no longer employs a channel:

use std::net::UdpSocket;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;

struct TheAverage {
    samples: usize,
    average: Option<f32>,

struct Counters {
    n_total: usize,
    s_total: u64,

type MtCounters = Arc<Mutex<Counters>>;

fn display(avg: &TheAverage) {
    match avg.average {
        None => {
            println!("There are no samples yet!");
        Some(x) => {
            println!("Current average is {} from {} samples", x, avg.samples);

fn net_reader(counters: MtCounters, socket: UdpSocket) {
    let mut read_buffer = [0u8; 65536];
    loop {
        let (n, _addr) = socket
            .recv_from(&mut read_buffer)
            .expect("Network error receiving information");
        let mut the_counters = counters.lock().unwrap();
        for i in 0..n {
            the_counters.n_total += 1;
            the_counters.s_total += read_buffer[i] as u64;

fn main() {
    let counters_mutex: MtCounters = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Counters {
        n_total: 0,
        s_total: 0,
    let server = "";
    let socket = UdpSocket::bind(server).expect("Can't bind local address");
    let clone = Arc::clone(&counters_mutex);
    thread::spawn(move || {
        net_reader(clone, socket);
    let one_second = std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000);
    loop {
        let average: TheAverage;
        let counters = counters_mutex.lock().unwrap();
        if counters.n_total == 0 {
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: 0,
                average: None,
        } else {
            let num = counters.s_total as f64;
            let den = counters.n_total as f64;
            let q = num / den;
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: counters.n_total,
                average: Some(q as f32),

The lock() method returns a mutex "guard", which wraps the internal object but also is in charge of unlocking the mutex when goes out of scope (or is explicitly dropped.)

For the reader:
  1. UDP does not guarantee the message delivery as TCP, so an acknowledging response is in order to be sent by the server while being awaited by the client. Implement the response and the reception in the programs.

  2. The data-entry program should retry (several times) the delivery if no acknowledge is received in a "reasonable" time. Check the set_read_timeout() method to implement the retry mechanism.

  3. Implement the multithreading TCP server without channels using the mutex and reference counting mechanism presented in the last example.

Using HTTP

Our developer is then instructed to upgrade the system in order to support a client to be developed by third party contractor, which in turn insists in employing a "web service" based solution. So after checking the supported frameworks, the developer selects warp for the server program (https://github.com/seanmonstar/warp), and as a proof of concept he also decides to develop a simple data-entry client using the reqwest library (https://github.com/seanmonstar/reqwest).

The web service will support just a POST request which receives the scores as a sequence of bytes, in the address http://ip-address:8888/scores, which for testing purposes, will be

The client program is pretty trivial:

use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
fn main() {
    let url = "";
    let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new();
    loop {
        let more_scores = read_numbers("Enter scores separated by commas> ");
        if let Some(scores) = more_scores {
            if scores.len() > 65000 {
                println!("Too many values!");
            if scores.len() == 0 {
            let data = Vec::from(scores);
            let res = client
                .expect("Can't post to server - check displayer");
            if !res.status().is_success() {
                println!("Http error: {:?}", res.status());

This requires the reqwest library in Cargo.toml:

reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["blocking"] }

The web server is adapted from the examples of warp:

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use warp::Filter;

struct TheAverage {
    samples: usize,
    average: Option<f32>,

struct Counters {
    n_total: usize,
    s_total: u64,

type MtCounters = Arc<Mutex<Counters>>;

fn display(avg: &TheAverage) {
    match avg.average {
        None => {
            println!("There are no samples yet!");
        Some(x) => {
            println!("Current average is {} from {} samples", x, avg.samples);

fn show_counters(counters_clone_dsp: MtCounters) {
    let one_second = std::time::Duration::from_millis(1000);
    loop {
        let average: TheAverage;
        let counters = counters_clone_dsp.lock().unwrap();
        if counters.n_total == 0 {
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: 0,
                average: None,
        } else {
            let num = counters.s_total as f64;
            let den = counters.n_total as f64;
            let q = num / den;
            average = TheAverage {
                samples: counters.n_total,
                average: Some(q as f32),

fn update_counters(counters: MtCounters, data: &[u8]) {
    let n = data.len();
    let mut the_counters = counters.lock().unwrap();
    for i in 0..n {
        the_counters.n_total += 1;
        the_counters.s_total += data[i] as u64;

async fn main() {
    let counters_mutex: MtCounters = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Counters {
        n_total: 0,
        s_total: 0,
    let counters_clone_dsp = Arc::clone(&counters_mutex);
    thread::spawn(move || {
    let counters_clone = warp::any().map(move || Arc::clone(&counters_mutex));
    let routes = warp::post()
        .and(warp::body::content_length_limit(1024 * 64))
        .map(|data: warp::hyper::body::Bytes, counters| {
            update_counters(counters, &data);
    warp::serve(routes).run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8888)).await;

which in turn does require the addition of:

tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
warp = "0.3"

Note that the web server is being fired in main() which also is declared as an asynchronous function.

The warp::serve(…​).run(…​) builds and runs the server, returning a "future" which is awaited. That means that the main() thread only ends when the web server terminates (that is, never.)

For that reason we started the displaying loop in an auxiliar thread (the show_counters() function.)

Warp defines the routing and processing of requests around the composable warp::Filter type. The last filter is a "processing closure" which is in charge of updating the counters; this closure does get the request bytes and the "counters reference" as arguments, since the warp::body::bytes() and counters_clone filters were also provided. The first obviously is in charge of extracting the request body as bytes (the Bytes type allows derefencing into &[u8]), and the second one is a closure which allows the generation of a new reference clone of the counters singleton for each request.

Note that asynchronous code is not a trivial thing to learn, so there is a big reference at https://rust-lang.github.io/async-book/
